In addition to the methods of using retinoid, needle roller, laser …, skin peel is a beauty method that is currently sought by many young people because it brings many great improvements to the skin. However, this method is also very counterproductive if we do not understand it correctly.
“ Teen-dictionary “- Peel What is leather?
Friend Doan Truong Khoa (Albert Einstein High School, HCMC): “As far as I understand peel skin is the process of removing old skin layers, exfoliating, thereby making the skin whiter, reducing hidden acne ”. Much beauty blogger praise peel The skin also treats blackheads, blurs dark spots, helps absorb nutrients from cosmetics better, even improves acne scars, pitting scars. According to most teenagers, peel is the process of removing dead cells, changing a “new coat” for the skin. This definition is also quite close to what dermatologists say peel . However peel The skin is also classified according to many levels from low to high, in order to serve the regeneration of the skin with various lesions, it cannot be used innocently if merely to exfoliate. Essentially peel skin (chemical peel) is a beauty method that uses natural compounds that strongly impact on the surface of the skin, helping to remove dead skin cells and bacteria, dirt deep in the pores, stimulating peeling skin cells, regenerating skin. Newly brighter skin and reduced wrinkles.
Look%, choose the level peel 1. Peel shallow (AHA less than 10%) This is the level peel In the lightest sense, chemicals will attack the top layer of the epidermis to help remove dead cells. This level is painless and is also very low effective as it only removes dead skin cells from the skin. If you haven’t peel Skin any time, skin has not been exposed to strong chemicals such as AHAs, BHA …, can be used “help” of two extremely mild levels as follows: level “Daily use” (can be used daily) with normal concentrations of 10% lactic acid , ten% enzyme… , no need to use AHA, BHA and level “Pre-peel” (Prepare skin to be ready to “fight” with peel skin grade (higher grade) with common concentrations of 7% AHA, 0.5% BHA … However peel Shallow is effective for those who want to treat acne because the acne will appear, you just need to gently wash your face or take a medical acne.
2. Peel medium (AHA 20 – 50%) at the level peel this then the active ingredients penetrate to the deepest layers of the epidermis. The epidermis is responsible for moist or dry, chapped, rough, skin’s primary color. After a few days, the dead cells are removed, sloughed off and your skin will form a new skin layer. If you need peel For brighter skin, to treat hidden acne, you should choose this level because this is usually the level with the fastest and most effective effects. However, please note that except for hidden pimples, other inflammatory pimples are not recommended for use level Hey! 3. Peel deep (AHA 50 – 70% or more) Peel Deep impact on the dermis of the skin. This is the layer involved in the formation of wrinkles, thinning, thickening, and stretching of the skin. There are problems arising from the dermis but affecting the epidermis such as acne, an imbalance of oil on the skin, pitting scars … Peel Deep worms often treat many problems such as: Scar skin, large pores, wrinkles, acne, dark spots, skin whitening …
However to peel This level requires that the skin is not too irritated and sensitive (inflammatory acne, thin …), and must be examined by a dermatologist, only prescribing is made, not able to buy products to peel at home like the two levels above. The truth behind the “divine” use, to rejuvenate the skin? Can not deny the uses of peel skin however abuse peel Blemish skin will greatly affect the health of the skin. Especially for Asian skin, if it is to work peel Cell too deep will increase the risk of post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, burning, irritation, pitting … Friend Truong Khoa Share: “I have stopped peel skin after using a product with an AHA 30% BHA 2%. Probably because I haven’t researched carefully and my skin is still a mixture, after a while I see the skin has brown spots and much thinner. Experience peel My first skin has had such a sad “ending”. That’s why before peel Please understand what your skin should be peel At what level, carefully find out whether the facility / product you choose is reputable and the quality is not. Because peel skin is a process, and more specifically it’s not for everyone. Not to mention, peel Skin is also advised not to use regularly but just every 7-10 days.
According to the doctor Hanh Vy (Department of Dermatology – University of Medicine and Pharmacy Hospital, Ho Chi Minh City), when skin irritation, allergies or hypersensitivity occurs, we need to review daily cosmetics, check product ingredients, origin, origin. It is best to discontinue all products and see a dermatologist for advice and treatment. Because the skin after stopping the product will be itchy, stinging, burning when exposed to heat / sun, dry skin, peeling, red skin … so it is necessary to use regular mineral sprays to hydrate and soothe the skin. Mineral sprays can be stored in the refrigerator so that when sprayed, it cools, soothes, and moisturizes the skin. At the same time, it is necessary to maintain cleansing and cleansing of the skin. Wash your face with mild, fragrance-free, non-mild products paraben , helps to cleanse and moisturize the skin. Avoid harsh, grainy cleansers that will damage your skin. After stopping the product, the skin may be red and hyperpigmented, so it is necessary to limit the use of whitening products, alcohol because of the risk of damaging the skin, making skin irritation and pigmentation worse. HA PHUONG – HOAI THUONG According to Photo for illustration
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