Home Travel To live means to go…

To live means to go…


Life is a journey, not a destination. Therefore, ‘Go’ is the mission of existence. That feeling appears in the poem ‘Go’ by Nguyen Thien Ngan.
Waking up every day

I understand I have to go Through the deep forest Through the whispering grass Through sunny areas Of the sad desert Through the tundra, the wind is fierce Where dreams are extraordinary I practice walking step by step Together or alone I keep myself breathing For a minute the hand let go I have a couple of appointments With a couple of souls Waiting for each other on the top of the snow Or at the end of the misty cloud I go and I know I don’t go alone There’s another me beside me Of a circle of wisdom Waking up every day We all have to go Even if there are days to lie down Wait for the pain to pass. Comments The poem “Go” by Nguyen Thien Ngan evokes a permanent idea of ​​the human journey. That journey carved the shadow of existence in time. We can visualize the destination as a dream, a wish, a projection. However, no one knows for sure that that destination will always be what they once thought. In the deep forests of the mountains, where the grass whispers, where the wind is burning in the tundra, where the desert burns … there are still many things hidden that you will never know when you leave. Journey makes life. Every moment is an existence. Therefore, the central quartet is “going out” with an extraordinary dream. Maybe, on that journey, we bring an appointment to accompany us, maybe it’s just loneliness with our own shadow. But, no matter what, still have to “go” as the fate of existence. Am I lonely? If unfortunately that is true, then “My side and I are different / Of a circle of wisdom”. The circle of wisdom is a clear awareness in the spirit of the truth of life, of the dream existing in the midst of life. The poem opens deep into the deep journey when the day after tomorrow we unfortunately lie down. Lying down is actually just the start of another journey!