Home Beauty Venux shares the secret to being beautiful even while pregnant

Venux shares the secret to being beautiful even while pregnant


Pregnant mothers refer to pocket 6 tips that are always beautiful even during pregnancy that the Venux family shares below to always be confident, young, beautiful and radiant.
Drink enough water: Simple beauty tips that are effective during pregnancy

This is the secret that few women think about. During pregnancy, your body needs more water during the day. You need to drink about 10 glasses or at least 2 liters of water per day. Water helps to purify and eliminate toxins from the body. Furthermore, water also helps maintain the correct amount of amniotic fluid in your body. This is very good for the fetus. Choose the right foods to keep your skin ruddy and smooth Supplementing the right vegetables, fruits rich in vitamin C, vitamin A, adequate electrolytes and eating enough nutrients to help your skin become rosy and smooth, so that you will look younger every day . Take care of stretch marks during pregnancy for beautiful postpartum skin The skin of the abdomen, thighs, buttocks … which starts to stretch as the belly gets bigger is very common. You can use a number of stretch marks of natural origin to apply or consult your doctor about methods to treat stretch marks during pregnancy. More simply, you can use coconut oil to moisturize the skin, limit stretch marks. Costumes for pregnant mothers in early stages of pregnancy As your pregnancy grows, you will need the most comfortable clothes. Free-size dresses, loose-fitting shirts, leggings… are suitable for your body and, more importantly, the comfort will help you feel a lot more confident. Don’t forget to take care of your skin to stay beautiful Some women often have acne-free skin after pregnancy, but others, on the contrary, have acne-prone skin, even darkening, melasma. These are common changes when body hormones change. You need to talk to your dermatologist or doctor before using any skin care products to make sure they do not contain harmful chemicals and that you should only use products with origin. nature. Try to take some time to relax This is also an important secret for you to maintain health and beauty during the first 3 months of pregnancy. The difficulties during pregnancy will definitely make you stress many times, but you should calm down, do not get angry because it can affect the baby in the belly.