Home Science What is beyond the boundaries of the universe?

What is beyond the boundaries of the universe?


The world as we know it is not infinite. Many people wonder, if the universe is finite it must be part of something.

Such questions will never end, even if one day we may know what lies beyond the boundaries of the universe. The universe is just a grain of sand in the galaxy Our universe was born from a big bang. This explosion had to come from a singularity with an indeterminate, and perhaps unlimited, density, after this explosion space and time were created, first of all light radiation, then gradually. form heavier elementary particles, which fuse together into the smallest atoms, molecules, particles of dust and gas, and the end result is galaxies, stars, planets … and our whole life today. According to today’s data, we estimate quite accurately that the big explosion mentioned above happened about 14 billion years ago, 10 billion years later, our Earth was born, and humans have intelligence. Wisdom appeared only about 15,000 – 20,000 years ago (mid and late ice age). For a long time, man has been constantly learning about his origin in the universe. Through the thousands of erroneous years of believing that we are the center of the universe, the cognitive revolutions from the time of the Copernics, the Galilei (16th and 17th centuries) until this moment when we were Going deeper than 10 years into the 21st century, has told us more about where we truly are. We are not only microorganisms on a planet orbiting the Sun, but the Sun itself is not the only star, it is just one of the 200 billion stars of the Milk Way galaxy. While this galaxy is only one of more than 50 members of the Local Group, a cluster of galaxies is in the Virgo supergroup – one out of the thousands, millions, or billions. galaxy in this universe. Yet until this point, the farthest place man has ever set foot is the Moon, one of our satellite. The number of 384,000km from Earth to the Moon sounds large when compared to the daily measure. But let’s try the comparison. With speeds up to approximately 300,000 kilometers per second, light takes just over a second to bring an image from the Earth to the Moon, but it will take more than 50 billion years to reach the edge of the universe. pillar. Perhaps our civilization in the next few hundred years will hardly allow us to go even out of this tiny galaxy. However, even though it is impossible to travel to distant space on their own, people still do not stop observing it. So far we have been able to obtain signals from places billions of light years away (even though it was information about them billions of years ago and maybe not even a few billion at that time. light year). The universe is a multidimensional space (more than 4) and it also has its limit, which is increasing due to constant expansion. Studies in recent years have shown that our universe probably won’t end with a material collapse and collapse, it just keeps expanding, diluting the density until all the time. all interactions are gone. Even so, no matter how much the universe expands, it is still just a balloon that is inflated, it can go on growing and growing, but in the end it must have a limit. What is out of the universe? Up to now, there is not any evidence for the existence of something outside the universe, but a model called multiverse is still concerned by many people because it explains for the the chances of the universes and life are beyond our limits. Essentially, the multiverse is just a proposed model based on the multistory hypothesis and probability in quantum mechanics. It is sometimes called parallel universes with the main content that our universe is not unique but there may be other universes that exist parallel to us. This multiverse theory has 4 forms of division instead of 4 with different differences from our universe. Level 1: There are other universes that are independent of ours. They also have the same physical properties as we have made no difference, except for different probabilities and internal conditions that will produce different results. Maybe there’s a life like us, there’s a civilization just like us, there’s only a slightly different nature. Currently, a rather fuzzy evidence for this is the inconsistency at several points in the resulting background radiation. As we know, this background radiation emitted shortly after the Big Bang and spread across the universe, what we get today is its remnant, so it is the witness for early universe. S This unevenness in this radiation background raises the question of the magnetic universe colliding with other universes as proposed by the multiverse, of course so far these are only questions. Level 2: At this level, we see the multiverse as “bubbles” born in an empty space. These bubbles could be being pushed apart like the galaxies are moving apart in our universe. In this hypothesis there is a difference. The physical and mathematical equations are still no different between the universes, but not only the initial conditions are different, but maybe the physical constants are also different such as the speed of light, the gravitational constant .. The results are due to the different material structures. Level 3: This is the multi-historical / multi-world hypothesis that we often see in fiction movies. There may be worlds that are parallel to us but with other constants lead to different consequences. Like a mechanical cat Doraemon, in fact, when Doraemon returns to the past to help Nobita, it is a world and a different history, while the original history still happens in another parallel world. Level 4: This model, the difference is most pronounced. The parallel universes with us have almost nothing in common with us. Not only the conditions in physical constants but also the laws of physics are completely different. The geometry of universes at this level is completely different, while our universe today has many closed universes, flat universes, universes with complex spacetime structure. , constantly fluctuating … and even open universes but with other laws of physics, completely alien elementary particles, where we have no chance of surviving if we are pushed there. . Currently, people try to look for further signs like radiation irregularities as evidence for the existence of the multiverse (of any level), but with today’s technology any any measurement for this background radiation is not absolutely accurate. Assuming there is evidence of other universes, it would be impossible to observe them.