Everyone knows that frequent hand washing is very important during the epidemic season.
According to WHO, hand hygiene is one of the most effective actions you can take to prevent infection and reduce the spread of pathogens, including COVID19.
Make it a habit to wash your hands. Hand washing protects health and saves lives. However, this can aggravate some skin lesions such as atopic dermatitis, contact dermatitis, psoriasis … if anyone has it, specifically making the skin drier, cracked, irritated, even even an infection. So what’s the advice: – Dry hands after each hand wash: After washing, dry your hands carefully with a clean towel or tissue, especially between your fingers, as bacteria are more easily transmitted between wet hands. – Use moisturizer to reduce the unwanted effects of heavy hand washing: Frequent hand washing can damage the skin barrier, leaving skin dry and cracked. So moisturizing the skin of the hands is the most important thing. Not only people with diseases but also those with healthy skin should take care of their skin. How to use moisturizer correctly: Take a pea-sized amount of cream, rub it all over your hands, paying attention to the fingertips as this is an easy place to dry and crack. Apply yin lotion after you’ve washed and dried your hands, or whenever your skin feels dry. Besides, you should consult a dermatologist about the right product. Avoid washing hands with hot water: Hot water will make the skin quickly dry and wrinkled, cracked, so only warm water should be used to wash your hands. – Wear rubber gloves When having to contact cleaning chemicals or working in a humid environment, the time to wear gloves should be as short as possible to avoid sweating hands, which aggravates skin damage.
BSCKII. Bui Quang Hao ( Head of Infection Control Department, National Hospital of Dermatology )
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