Home Beauty Your body parts absolutely should not be touched by your hands

Your body parts absolutely should not be touched by your hands


Our hands contain a lot of bacteria that can spread to other parts of the body when we touch them and even spread to those around us.

Face: It is not difficult to see those around us or to touch our face with our own hands. However, except when washing your face and applying cosmetics, it’s best not to touch your face with your hands. Your hands contain oily oils that can cause clogged pores to irritate your skin. The bacteria on your hands can also make the pimple worse. Eyes: Our eyes are especially sensitive, so touching them not only allows bacteria to get into the eyes, but also increases the risk of getting dirt and foreign objects into the eyes, causing irritation and even damage. corneal lice tear. In addition, rubbing your eyes regularly also increases the risk of wrinkles and dark circles. Ears: The area inside your ears is fragile and vulnerable, so don’t pick your fingers with your fingers. Instead, use an earwax softener to easily clean your ears, or see an otolaryngologist for advice. Nose: Your nostrils have a healthy microbiome of their own. When you put your finger in your nostrils, you bring in foreign bacteria, disrupting the microflora in the nose and possibly causing inflammation. Furthermore, after picking your nose, your fingers carry bacteria out from your nose, increasing your risk of spreading illnesses like colds or flu. Mouth: Our mouth contains 34-72 different strains of bacteria, most of which are not harmful, and even some types of bacteria are beneficial for oral health. However, when you put your hand to your mouth or into your mouth, you introduce foreign bacteria, disrupting the oral cavity’s microbial balance and put your hand at risk of infection caused by foreign bacteria. Butt: It is no coincidence that experts recommend that you wash your hands with soap after using the toilet. Your buttocks and anus are loaded with bacteria, and touching your buttocks is one of the easiest ways to spread bacteria. Umbilical: Did you know that the belly button is one of the dirtiest parts of the body? The belly button has a very high concentration of bacteria, most of which are located in a place that is inaccessible to you, so even if you wash it off, your belly button is still a dirty place. Using fingers to pick the umbilical cord can cause bacteria to spread from hand to navel and vice versa, creating the risk of infection. Nails: Under your fingernails and toenails are innumerable numbers of bacteria and dirt that are hard to remove no matter how well you wash your hands. That is why doctors and nurses must wear gloves at all times. Try to break the habit of pricking your nails or biting your nails to keep yourself and those around you healthy./.