Home Beauty 11 habits that cause back acne

11 habits that cause back acne


Sharing towels and wearing tight-fitting clothes when exercising are common mistakes that many people make.

1. Using inappropriate shower gel: Conventional shower gels contain ingredients that can cause an allergic skin reaction. So, you should find the right acne treatment to remove dirt. You should only apply in areas affected by the above conditions and adequately moisturized. Image: Pinterest. 2. Don’t exfoliate regularly: In addition to acne shower gel, you should treat back acne with other topical products. As a rule Girl’s Style sharing, back skin care regimen requires weekly exfoliating steps. If you’re worried about dry skin, choose a milder formula. Image: Pinterest. 3. Let the conditioner touch your back: People with long hair should be careful when using conditioner or hair mask. These cream products can leave a film on the skin that clog pores. Reporter page Girl’s Style It is recommended that you incubate your hair and wear a shower cap to avoid contact with your back. Image: Healthline. 4. Leaving out the hard-to-reach points: Sometimes we cannot clean the back area on our own. Use tools such as a sponge or a back scrub to aid in exfoliation and cleansing at the same time. Image: nytimes. 5. Scratching the back: If you are experiencing back acne, this skin scratching habit must be abolished. Worse yet, the oil and pus secreted from the young pimples will drain down to contaminate the rest of the back. Image: derm collective. 6. Sharing towels for the body and face: After a clean bath, there are still some bacteria and excess oil. If you use the same towel on multiple parts of your body, the pimple will spread to other areas. Therefore, you should use separate towels for hair, body and face to prevent cross infection. Image: newyorkmagazine. 7. Use creams that are too thick and fragrant: Skin moisturizers have a very good scent in keeping the body moist. However, in sensitive acne-sensitive areas like your back, the amount of lotion is too thick to block your pores. Replace it with a milder product to reduce the breakout. Image: dreamstime. 8. Wear tight-fitting gym clothes: Sports bras or tight-fitting gym pants also cause back acne problems. Synthetic fabrics press on the skin, leading to dirt accumulation and blemishes. Choose a soft, lightweight material with desiccant properties to keep your body cool while exercising. Image: Pinterest. 9. Do not change or shower after exercising: Sometimes post-workout fatigue causes you to delay immediate body hygiene. This is taboo because sweat that accumulates on your damp clothes not only irritates your skin, but also causes a fungal infection. If you can’t shower right away, dry yourself with a clean towel and change into a new one. Image: goodfon. 10. Don’t change bed sheets regularly: Bed sheet covers can cause acne breakouts in your back area, especially for those who have a habit of sleeping naked. Wash and change your sheets every 2 weeks to prevent bacteria from getting on your body. Image: freepik. 11. Re-wear for several days: Clothes for many days without changing laundry is a habit many people have. Even if this item does not smell after a few hours of wearing, it still accumulates sweat and bacteria when you go out. It then passes on to the skin the next time it is not cleaned. This mistake causes back acne and skin diseases. Image: Pinterest. Why are you prone to acne? Certain daily habits can cause breakouts, affecting your appearance.