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Doing one movement before going to bed, women immediately get 4 great benefits: From thigh slimmer to disease prevention


This wall legs up has many great health benefits. At night, while resting before going to bed, do wall legs up to relax and help support weight loss effectively.

How to perform wall legs up

Just lie on the bed or gym mat against the wall. Using the arm as a support, put the foot on the wall. Try to keep your butt as close to the wall as possible. Adjust your posture so that your feet are firmly pressed against the wall, your body is perpendicular to the wall. Your hands can be placed under your torso or put your hands on your stomach or in a position that helps you feel most comfortable.

You can put a thin pillow under your butt to help correct posture.

Hold for 5-10 minutes for each exercise. Can practice many times a day.


The benefits of wall legs up

Small thighs and tighten round 3

When doing this, your legs will have to be straight up against the wall. This forces us to tighten the muscles in the calves and inner thighs. As such it also has the effect of burning more fat, toning muscles, supporting weight loss.

Relax your calf muscles

The stretching state helps the calves relax and relax better.

Bringing blood to the brain, dispel fatigue

This position helps the blood pump to the brain more efficiently. Poor blood to the brain will affect intelligence and ability to work. Therefore, we need to perform movements that help promote pumping blood to the brain, ensuring the functioning of the nervous system.

Moderating anger

When doing the footrest against the wall, focus on taking deep, regular breaths. It acts as a meditation, helping to curb anger. You will regain your calm in a simple and effective way. So, when you need to control your emotions, you can do wall legs up.