If your feet sweat frequently and smell unpleasant, use these simple tips to quickly improve this condition.
Hyperhidrosis (Hyperhidrosis), yeast infections, stress … are the causes that cause the body to sweat a lot, creating a favorable growth environment for odor-causing bacteria, especially in taste. secret mind, such as armpits, feet … To regain confidence, you can choose the right foot deodorizing tips in the good tip are suggested below.
Make the bacteria out of the way Most of the bad odor-causing bacteria multiply under fingernails, toenails and hard skin areas. Therefore, don’t forget to clean the soles of your feet with a pumice stone when washing your feet. Taking care of your nails and toenails and cutting them short regularly is the ultimate foot odor elimination tip. Clean the back toe
Dermatologists recommend that after bathing, you should not just wipe your feet, but use a towel to gently wipe your toes, not let moisture residue, create control for bacteria to multiply. Foot soak with tea
This is a very effective foot deodorizing tip, because the tannin in the tea leaves helps to kill bacteria and reduce perspiration. You can soak your feet with tea every day by: Mixing 3 teaspoons of tea with 1 liter of hot water, adding 2 liters of cold water. Soak your feet for 15-30 minutes and then dry. Use apple cider vinegar
Applying apple cider vinegar to your feet is also an effective tip for eliminating foot odor. Simply mix 0.5 liters of vinegar with 200ml of warm water, then dip gauze in this solution and apply to your feet for 30 minutes. Let skin dry naturally. Use aromatherapy
In addition to its deodorizing effect, Lavender Oil also has a bactericidal effect. Please massage your feet with 4 drops of oil. Or mix 2 drops of essential oil with 3-4 liters of water. Soak your feet for 10-15 minutes in the solution and dry completely. Wash socks from the inside out
Please turn up the dirty socks before washing. In this way, skin cells and bacteria are thoroughly cleaned. Do not wear socks in the house
If using socks indoors, the friction of the socks and the floor will cause bacteria from the floor to the socks and accumulate there. This bacteria goes into a humid environment and will begin to multiply, causing bad feet. Anti-sweat feet
Foot antiperspirants contain chemicals that help reduce perspiration. They can be purchased at drug stores, so they should be used at night, right after bathing. Footwear disinfection
You should regularly disinfect shoes and shoes by: Wipe the outside thoroughly, soak the shoelaces and laces in a solution of chlorhexidine (disinfectant). Finally, wipe the inside of the shoe with a cloth soaked in chlorhexidine. Keep shoes dry
You should have at least 2 pairs of shoes to wear them alternately. If you only have 1 pair and your shoes are getting wet, there is a very useful tip to deal with right away: Put some crumpled newspaper inside the shoe to help absorb moisture. A dryer can also be used to dry the shoes. Ask your doctor
If your foot not only smells bad but it also starts to itch and flake, see your doctor. This could be a symptom of ringworm, an infection or a fungal disease.
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