Home Beauty 3 folk tips to help you treat baby heat rash in the...

3 folk tips to help you treat baby heat rash in the summer


Treating baby heat rash by folk methods is a way many mothers trust.
According to Boldsky, heat rash is a common skin irritation in the summer due to hot, humid weather conditions. This is a favorable environment for bacteria to grow, causing uncomfortable red skin rashes, even serious infections due to scratching, causing skin abrasions. Here are a few tips to help you fix this problem.

Marjoram Illustration. If fresh leaves are available, the mother just needs to wash them, pound them, and then pour the water into the baby bath water. If not, you can dry the marjoram leaves and use them gradually. For each baby bath, the mother takes a handful of dried leaves, puts them in a pot to boil for a while, and then mixes them in bath water for the baby. Marjoram juice helps heat rash “fly” quickly and baby’s skin will be smooth again. Bitter melon Bitter gourd is very safe for young children. Mothers can take 1-2 bitter melons, cut them into small pieces and put them in a blender with boiled water to cool, then filter out the residue, mix it with water to bathe the baby. Bitter melon is very cool, benign, has a beautiful green color and a slight aroma. When bathing the baby, the essence of this fruit will penetrate into the skin to soothe the heat rash and skin irritation. Oatmeal Bathing your baby with oats is a trick I learned from a foreign friend. Oatmeal grind into powder, mix in bath water, soak baby in water several times a day. The avenanthramide in oatmeal has natural anti-inflammatory properties, which will help the heat rash heal faster. Things you should not do when your baby has heat rash – Do not squeeze too much lemon or boil the leaf juice too thick. Squeezing a lot of lemon into the bath water or directly rubbing lemon on the skin can cause irritation and damage to the baby’s skin due to its high acid content. If you mix lemon and salt into the bath water, don’t use too much, but pay attention to the right ratio, because otherwise it will sting and irritate the baby’s immature skin. With the cooking of leaves, mothers should not cook too thick, because the starch of the leaves can accumulate on the skin, causing bacterial infections, dermatitis, allergies for the baby. – Do not bathe the leaves when the baby’s skin is scratched and festering. When the skin is already in a state of redness, inflammation is too severe due to the baby’s itching, scratching, causing scratches, losing the protective film, bathing in water even though it has been cooked can also increase the risk of bacteria entering, making love Infections increase, sometimes causing unexpected complications. There are children with inflammation in the area near the nervous system, blood vessels such as the face, neck, head, if the mother still gives a leaf bath without timely treatment, it can cause cerebral vein thrombosis and leave sequelae throughout. life. The habit of massaging babies with coconut oil, olive oil… in hot summer days increases discomfort, causing eczema or heat rash in babies. – Do not bathe adult shower gel or massage baby. Adult shower gel, which contains high alkalinity, easily makes the baby’s skin dry, so it increases the infection and rash on the baby’s skin. Meanwhile, many mothers have the habit of massaging their babies with coconut oil and olive oil. However, on hot summer days, using these essential oils only adds to the discomfort, causing eczema or heat rash in your baby. – Do not self-medicate without a doctor’s prescription. If the baby’s condition is very itchy, there are whiteheads on the skin, thick, red, prolonged heat rash …, mothers should take the baby to a dermatology specialist for examination and treatment. Absolutely do not buy topical medication or keep the child at home to self-treat, because it can make the disease worse, not to mention the complications that can cause the baby. Besides, to prevent heat rash for children in the summer, mothers should not incubate the baby too carefully or wear too many clothes for the baby. Always keep baby’s skin dry and clean. Choose clothes for children that are designed with cool and absorbent materials. Do not apply too much cream or powder on the baby’s skin. In addition, you need to limit your child’s exposure to the sun, take a cool shower, and drink enough water. Avoid scratching the heat rash, because when the skin is scratched, it can easily lead to skin infection. According to Dr. Thanh Nho, with common cases of heat rash, just bathe the child every day to keep the skin clean. It is possible according to folk experience, using cool plants and fruits such as bitter melon, marjoram, earthen, lemon … to bathe children also have a good effect. However, when using these leaves, they need to be washed thoroughly before crushing, filtering or boiling water for bathing. Choosing a good quality talcum powder to dab on areas with heat rash after bathing your baby is also a way to limit this situation.