Home Beauty 4 simplest lip balm recipes

4 simplest lip balm recipes


Using lemon, sugar, cucumber … can help you immediately solve the problem of dark lips at home.
Bright, pink lips always create a special attraction for both women and men. However, due to many factors from sunlight, smoking habits, consumption of caffeinated beverages, poor cosmetic use, allergies or hormonal imbalances can cause your lips to fall. become dark and low-key.

This situation will be gradually overcome with many simple natural secrets, which are safe, easy to find, and less costly compared to using specialty cosmetics or other cosmetic methods. However, in order for the natural lip remover tips to be effective as desired, you need to patiently follow the instructions because each method has a very different time to work on the lips.

Lime treat dark lips


Lemons help treat dark lips Lemons are commonly used to treat brown spots on the skin, and can also be used to lighten lips. The acidic property in lemons works to correct melanin on the lips.

Method 1: Squeeze a lemon and apply the juice to your lips before going to bed. Follow this daily and apply for one to two months. In addition, you can cut a thin slice of lemon, sprinkle a little sugar on the lemon surface and rub it on your lips to exfoliate the lips to create a chance for young cells to grow to refresh the skin of the lips. Use this method every day for several weeks.

Method 2: Prepare a mixture of half a teaspoon of lemon juice, glycerin and honey, mix well and apply on your lips before bed. Do this daily until the lips are lighter.

Sugar removes dead cells from the lips

Regular lip scrubs will help remove dead skin cells that are one of the causes of darkening lips. Sugar acts as an excellent exfoliating agent. This is a very popular treatment for dark lips today. Method 1: Mix three tablespoons of granulated sugar and two tablespoons of butter to make a thick paste. Rub your lips gently along with the powder. Do this once a week to restore your natural lip color and shine.

Method 2: mix one teaspoon of granulated sugar, one teaspoon of honey, and a half teaspoon of almond oil. Use this aid to apply on lips once a week.

Method 3: mix a little sugar with cold cream and apply on lips gently before going to bed. Repeat once a week.

Simple formula to treat dark lips with cucumber

Rubbing cucumber can help reduce lip darkening.

Just rub a slice of cucumber gently on your lips for about 5 minutes a day. The abundant water in the melon will help your lips become softer, smoother and more bright.

Honey is safe to treat dark lips

The easiest way to pink lips is to apply pure honey to the lips, leave it on overnight, then rinse with warm water. If you want a moisturizing effect and help brighten your lips, you can apply a dough mixture of 1/2 teaspoon of yogurt, honey and flour on your lips for 30 minutes before rinsing with warm water. Both of these two methods need to be done regularly every day to quickly get the expected results.