Home Beauty 4 tips to cure bad breath permanently without spending 3000 VND

4 tips to cure bad breath permanently without spending 3000 VND


Some folk remedies for bad breath are extremely effective but not everyone knows.
Treat bad breath with fresh lemon peel

Using fresh lemon to treat bad breath is a popular way for many people to use. Method 1: The pieces of lemon peel after use, instead of discarding, you should wash, then chew thoroughly, and swallow. Do this a few times a day to keep your breath fresh. A fairly simple and easy way to cure bad breath. So why don’t you try it now? Method 2: Lemon, a fruit that is always present in the house, has many uses for everything, including treating bad breath. Brushing your teeth and even brushing your tongue with a mixture of lemon juice and salt twice a day will significantly improve the above discomfort. Cure bad breath effectively at home simply from salt Salt is a mineral that is good for teeth and gum health. Salt also has very good antiseptic properties. So when using salt as the fastest home remedy for bad breath, you can both clean your mouth and disinfect the wounds in your mouth, especially in the gums. How to use: Just mix salt with water (note that the salt concentration is only about 0.8 – 1%) to keep in the mouth daily to effectively deodorize your teeth. Eat ginger and yogurt to help reduce bad breath Yogurt: Eating yogurt daily has been shown to reduce the level of odor caused by hydrogen sulfide in the mouth. In addition, yogurt is also highly effective in reducing plaque and harmful bacteria because it contains vitamin D – which helps create an unfavorable environment for bacteria to grow. Ginger: Ginger has long been used as a natural remedy for stomach upsets. Ginger is also capable of dispelling bad breath. You can use it the way you cut ginger to make tea, accompanied by a little lemon. How to treat bad breath quickly with Chinese coriander leaves Chinese coriander leaves can cure bad breath caused by stomach and digestive causes. The smell of China, also known as coriander leaves, has a strong, pungent taste. According to traditional medicine, these properties have the effect of averting evil spirits, reducing heat, purifying uncleanness, relieving distention, strengthening spleen and stomach, and stimulating digestion. Therefore, if you use this leaf again, you can cure bad breath due to stomach and digestive causes. How to use: Take sharp coriander leaves with very thick water, add a few grains of salt to gargle and dry your throat several times a day.