Home Beauty 4 types of anti-aging drinks women should not forget

4 types of anti-aging drinks women should not forget


How to effectively fight skin aging? You can prevent and fight skin aging with anti-aging skin drinks and a reasonable diet.
What is skin aging?

Illustration. Skin aging is the process of declining skin functions, blood circulation and lymphatic system decline, damaging the skin’s basic structure, weakening the capillaries under the skin, toxins cannot be eliminated. leading to “degraded” skin that is wrinkled, dry, dark and appears melasma, freckles, wrinkles, … Did you know that up to 90% of aging causes are due to external environmental influences and only 10% are due to genetics. Basically, aging is divided into 2 basic groups of causes: Endogenous causes (endogenous aging): According to the law of nature, collagen fibers will gradually lose as we age, the elastic fibers (Elastin) of the epidermis are atrophied, and cell production is reduced. down. Skin becomes thin, loses elasticity, sags, deep wrinkles and pigmentation appear. Group of exogenous causes (exogenous skin aging): Due to the impact of external factors such as: sunlight, environmental pollution, chemicals, smoke, …. Anti-Aging Drinks Avocado smoothie Avocados are rich in omega 3 fatty acids and vitamins and minerals that help fight oxidation and destroy free radicals. Besides, avocado also provides abundant collagen to maintain firmness of the skin. Lemon juice High vitamin C content in citrus fruits helps fight free radicals, effectively whitening skin. Lemon juice The high vitamin C content in citrus fruits helps fight free radicals, effectively whitening the skin. Strawberry juice Strawberries and berries contain a lot of ellagic acid, which prevents UV rays from affecting collagen fibers in the skin, minimizing the formation of wrinkles and signs of aging. Tomato juice Tomatoes contain lycopene, which inhibits collagen destruction by removing collagenases. Tomatoes also support the skin against environmental damage. Tomato juice Tomatoes contain lycopene, which inhibits collagen destruction by removing collagenases. Tomatoes also support the skin against environmental damage.