Changing some daily habits is the first factor to pay attention to to keep a youthful face.
Loaded too much sugar It breaks down and slows down the collagen building process. This is one of the main factors that cause skin aging. Losing collagen, the skin tends to form wrinkles, loss of firmness and elasticity. Image: Shutterstock . Lectins (a protein found in food) can cause allergic reactions such as skin rashes, inflammation. Besides, this type of protein reduces the ability to absorb nutrients such as vitamins or minerals. Image: Shutterstock .
A natural factor that causes serious skin aging is UV rays . Sunlight is the cause of erratic melanin production, enlarged pores, dry scaly patches… Photo: The Sun .
In everyday life, green light penetrates the skin and causes cell damage, and accelerates the aging process. Even brief exposures of less than 60 minutes can cause skin aging. Image: Shutterstock .
Besides affecting health, smoke Not good for the skin when the habit causes the amount of oxygen to the cells to be reduced. The obvious consequence is wrinkles around the mouth and eye area. Some other factors that are affected when you smoke include elasticity, skin texture, restorative function and pore size. Image: Shutterstock .
To keep your skin youthful, you should build a habit of applying sunscreen daily, even when working from home. Besides, using more hats and sunscreen to keep skin from the sun is important. At the end of the day, don’t forget to cleanse and moisturize every day. Photo: @museoftoday, @lisanadia.
You should also take the time to build a scientific diet. One of the important factors to keep in mind is removing sugar from the daily menu. Focus on natural fruit sugars in reasonable amounts. In particular, you should limit drinking alcohol. Photo: @manttien.
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