Home Beauty 5 notes when doing yoga you need to know

5 notes when doing yoga you need to know


The following tips will make yoga a lot easier. Choose the right type of yoga

You need to choose the right yoga practice image. Photo source: Internet

Yoga is divided into many categories such as Hot Yoga, Yoga rope, Yoga ball, Yoga-Intriny with different purposes such as aesthetics, health promotion, weight loss … So you need to define what is the purpose of learning to learn. choose suitable exercises, as well as carefully question teachers so that you can learn the most effectively the exercises you have chosen.

Training time

Yoga is best early in the morning or late at night. Early morning is the time when the practitioner’s body is awake to store energy for a working day. Late night is the time when your body needs to rest. These are ideal times for gentle yoga to relax, helping to circulate blood. You should exercise in cool, comfortable places, at which time your body will release and remove stress.

Practice breathing properly

Breathing and breathing in yoga are very important steps. This is part of an exercise that any novice needs to learn. However, there are quite a few people who make the mistake of practicing breathing fast and shallow. This increases the amount of carbon dioxide, causing blood to rush into the spleen, causing abdominal pain, cramps and not bringing the best effect. In particular, many people who do not breathe properly also affect the nervous system; causing many serious consequences such as depression, ghostly pipes, very difficult to recover.

To inhale and breathe properly you need to do the following: inhale through your nose and exhale through your nose or mouth. Breathe deeply and sigh to increase the amount of oxygen, reducing the carbon dioxide pumped into the blood and muscles. Note, when inhaled, need to stretch the abdomen and exhale, then pull the belly back. Practicing breathing properly will bring more energy to exercise as well as help you get the most out.

Starting up

Warm up with some basic warm-ups, gently rotate your joints, and stretch your muscles before starting your workout. This is an important step to help you minimize some damage during exercise. The heated muscles will gradually relax to accommodate the increasing intensity of the exercise.

Do not be risky to practice difficult movements

You should not be impatient to achieve results quickly, but risk doing difficult movements or increase exercise time … This rush not only does not have the desired results but also causes injury to the body. , causing insomnia, irritability …

Yoga practice is not about showing off with difficult movements. You must define your goals clearly, not compare with others. To put safety first and listen to what the body wants, perform movements within their limits to always keep the spirit of peace and serenity.

To practice yoga effectively, you need to practice slowly, persistently and try hard. It is important to practice properly from basic to advanced steps, in sequence from meditation, warming up, practicing the asanas, gently massaging the body and relaxing.