Just based on factors such as color, shape, preservation time of strawberries, users can easily identify which are Da Lat strawberries.
The mixing of Chinese strawberries and then advertising and selling them into Dalat strawberries is no longer a new story. However, many consumers are still worried because they do not know how to distinguish these two types of strawberries, if they buy poor quality Chinese strawberries, their health will be affected. To distinguish Chinese strawberries in the guise of Da Lat strawberries, you just need to observe the following characteristics. 1. Shape Da Lat strawberries have uneven fruit shape, moderate fruit size, not too big, not smooth. Meanwhile, Chinese strawberries have high uniformity, large fruits, hard and smooth to the touch. Dalat strawberries have an uneven fruit shape.
Chinese berries from size to shape are very uniform. 2. Color In terms of color, Dalat strawberries have an uneven red color, dark on the stem, the stem is slightly white. Chinese strawberries give a dark red color from head to stem, which looks very beautiful. The calyx part, Da Lat strawberry has a short thin calyx, partially covered on the strawberry, with light green color. These features, consumers will not notice when buying Chinese strawberries, because the calyx of Chinese strawberries is thick, very smooth, covers more than a third of the strawberry and has a dark green color like the leaves.
The color of Da Lat strawberry has a small white part covered in the calyx.
Chinese strawberries are uniformly red from head to stem, looking very beautiful. 3. The meat inside With the flesh inside, Dalat strawberries will be light red, with white interlaced. The Chinese strawberry has a darker red flesh, no white interlacing.
The flesh inside Da Lat strawberries will be light red, with white interlaced.
The Chinese berries are absent or very pale. 4. Taste In terms of taste, Chinese strawberries have no aroma, when eaten, they have a greasy feeling, no sour taste, while strawberries of Da Lat have a characteristic aroma, when eaten soft and chewy, have a sour taste. .
Dalat strawberry flavor has a characteristic aroma, when eaten, it is soft and chewy, with a sour taste.
The taste of Chinese strawberry is light and not fragrant. When chewed very friable. 5. Storage time In addition, consumers also have another way of knowing that Chinese strawberries can be left for 7 to 10 days in a temperature environment of 25-32 degrees Celsius and still fresh, while Da Lat strawberries only keep up to 2 hours. day is wilted or bruised all stem.
Da Lat strawberries can only be preserved for up to 2 days before they wilt or darken.
Chinese strawberries can be stored for 7 to 10 days in a temperature environment of 25-32 degrees Celsius Buy traced strawberries If you want to buy Da Lat strawberries with the right standards, you should not be subjective when choosing a unit or seller. If buying at a reputable dealer or supermarket, you should choose strawberry boxes with a QR code traceability stamp. Then, you can easily trace the origin of the product to be more assured of your choice. When tracing product origin, you will know information about product origin such as product name, manufacturer, supplier, growing and processing process.
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