Home Beauty 6 foods to eat full, you still lose weight

6 foods to eat full, you still lose weight


The following foods can help you eat comfortably and still lose weight very quickly.
Sweet potato

Sweet potatoes The amount of starch in sweet potatoes is only 1/4 of that of rice but rich in fiber, helping to create a feeling of fullness for a long time, promoting the burning of excess fat. Not only that, sweet potatoes are also very good for skin and hair. Oat This cereal is rich in avenanthramide, an antioxidant that has cardioprotective properties. Oats also contain a lot of fiber, especially beta-glucan, which helps absorb water, making you feel full faster and longer. Therefore, oatmeal with berries is a breakfast often recommended by many nutritionists. However, to lose weight effectively, you should not use instant oats, because they are often high in calories. Brown rice Brown rice is a rich source of vitamins and minerals that help reverse the oxidation process taking place in the body. It’s also high in fiber, so you’ll feel full faster even if you only consume a small amount of brown rice. Buckwheat Rye is proven by scientists to have a very high nutritional content, especially, the fiber content of this food is 4 times higher than wheat, so it helps control weight and has a stabilizing effect. blood sugar. Potato High in vitamin C and potassium, potatoes are good for your health and won’t harm your weight. One study showed that survey participants who ate 5-7 servings of potatoes per week lost weight as effectively as they wanted. To increase the weight loss effect of potatoes, you should only eat this dish steamed or boiled, not fried because it will need more other spices as well as more oil or fat. Pumpkin Has someone ever told you, pumpkin is a safe and effective way to lose weight? If not, try it now. Because pumpkin is a great source of fiber, it helps speed up digestion while supporting effective weight loss. This food contains ingredients that help you regulate blood sugar and limit the storage of sugar in the form of fat, so it is more positive for the weight loss process that you are making.