Home Travel A luxury apartment building in New York emits a mysterious horror that...

A luxury apartment building in New York emits a mysterious horror that makes everyone nervous


Residents living near an expensive apartment building find it unbearable when they recently hear gruesome screeches, which they describe as ‘as if scraping an iron nail on a wooden board’. This makes everyone nervous. So what is the truth?
Once they spend a lot of money to buy a house in a luxury neighborhood, everyone expects to live comfortably. But sometimes, it doesn’t work as expected.

An upcoming luxury apartment building in Brooklyn (New York, USA) is driving residents here crazy because it emits noises like whistling but very shrill, disturbing the area quite quiet. this static. Many people compared that bizarre sound to the sound of iron nails scratching wooden boards, which several buildings also heard. This expensive apartment building let out shrill shrieks. Photo: ABC. “It is like a whistle but very high, into a very scary hiss” – said a resident. Some others said, as if there was a dinosaur standing on top of a building howling. Therefore, people call this apartment building the “shouting building”. Residents said this horrible sound has only been released for about 3 months now, when it was loud and small, maybe due to the wind speed, but it was especially annoying for some sensitive people or those who were learning and work from home and need to focus. Therefore, the residents here asked the building and development company to find out what was going on. Many people in the area have lost sleep because of the strange sounds coming from the building. Photo: Lendi. The company said they would monitor the issue, but the people around here were impatient because the hissing from the building lasted for months kept them in a stressful mood, some people were worried and lost sleep. Some engineers said that this is not a mystery, but it may be due to the balcony. Accordingly, the wind blowing through the vertical bars in the balcony caused a hissing sound. Some engineers believe that the vertical bars in the balcony are to blame. Photo: ABC. But whatever the reason, the people here just hope the company has a solution quickly, but no one can live every day in such horror sounds. Thuc Han According to many sources