Home Beauty Fix large pores effectively

Fix large pores effectively


Here’s a simple way to help you avoid having to worry about large pores anymore.
The reason for large pores

You can effectively shrink pores at home. Oily skin: Overactive sebum is the main cause of large pores. On the other hand, when the excess oil production on the skin is needed, there is a risk of dirt and pollution. This buildup over time will make your pores enlarge. Sun: Overexposure to sunlight is also one of the causes of large pores. According to experts, exposing the skin to direct sunlight will change the structure of the skin, reduce the amount of collagen and dilate the tissues, causing pores to enlarge. Aging: Aging skin is one of the causes of large pores. With age, skin loses elasticity and becomes more susceptible to damage. Skin cell regeneration is also reduced. This fact causes the skin to accumulate dirt and impurities in the pores, causing them to enlarge. Wrong skin care: Indiscriminate and improper skin care is the cause of your pores to enlarge. Some bad habits can be mentioned as squeezing acne, rubbing the skin too closely … will damage the skin, easily blocked by dirt, thereby enlarging the pores. How to shrink pores Effective pore tightening from green tea For a long time, green tea has not only been used by women in acne treatment, but has also become a magic pore shrinking miracle especially effective. The way to do it is very simple, just use the dark green tea in the ice cube trays and then put it in the freezer compartment After cleansing your face, take a thick towel, wrap it around the green tea stone and apply it to your skin, smooth in a circular direction for about 10 minutes. Only do it 1-2 times / week, the condition of large pores will improve significantly! Shrink pores quickly with cucumber Do you know why cucumber can be used to shrink pores? Accordingly, thanks to its many essential minerals, vitamins, water and nutrients, cucumber can be used to whiten the skin, restore damaged cells, tighten pores and nourish healthy skin. inside out. With this method, you should choose to buy 1 fresh cucumber, without spraying (the better the house is). After washing, drain, puree and add a few drops of fresh lemon juice. Apply evenly on face and massage gently for 10 minutes then rinse with clean water. Only apply 1-2 times per week, you will gradually see your skin smooth, large pores are improved significantly and skin is much brighter. Recipe to shrink facial pores from unsweetened yogurt Besides the use of acne treatment, skin lightening, even color, blurring dark spots, sugar-free yogurt mask also helps a lot in tightening pores thanks to lactic acid and probiotic beneficial bacteria. You just need to apply a thin layer of yogurt on your face (preferably Greek sugar-free yogurt) and massage in gently. Leave on for 10-15 minutes before rinsing with clean water. Persistently perform 2 times / week regularly to achieve optimal results.