In addition to its cleansing, moisturizing, makeup remover, beauty care … coconut oil is also a product that helps to improve the health and condition of the hair that many people love.
Coconut oil is a popular ingredient used in hair care, to help soften hair, provide moisture, and stimulate hair growth and thickening. Coconut oil contains a lot of ingredients that are good for hair care such as vitamin E, antioxidants, fatty acids and lauric acid that are beneficial for hair, prevent split ends, fibers, damage, effectively prevent dandruff, makes hair softer and smoother.
Illustration. Applying coconut oil to your hair before shampooing can help reduce damage during washing and when hair is wet. After washing your hair, you can also apply a thin layer of coconut oil to make the hair softer and smoother. This reduces the amount of friction caused by styling, making your hair less frizzy and brittle. With everyday effects on hair like styling, brushing, weather and pollutants can damage the hair, making it harder to grow long hair. Coconut oil will play the role of helping you grow hair faster, shiny and shiny. To get the most out of coconut oil, apply it on your hair regularly. Coconut oil is very effective in moisturizing hair and reducing breakage; protects hair from protein loss and damage when hair is wet; protects hair from environmental damage such as wind, sun and smoke. From there, the hair grows faster and smoother.
Illustration. Sun protection and dandruff treatment is an unexpected use of coconut oil. With a sun protection index of 8, when applied to hair, coconut oil can help protect hair from sun damage. In coconut oil, it has antibacterial properties and helps treat dandruff caused by yeast or yeast overgrowth on the scalp and hair. Hair treatment with coconut oil at home is very simple and easy to do. You take about 10ml of coconut oil, use a cotton swab to absorb evenly over the scalp and hairline in a circle from the top of the head and slowly spread to the end of the scalp. Coconut oil will penetrate deeply, providing nutrients and moisture needed for hair roots and scalp. You can also use a small tooth comb to brush the coconut oil on your hair, helping the coconut oil to be absorbed evenly, avoiding hair from clumping. Then, use your fingers to gently massage the scalp for about 10 minutes to allow the coconut oil to penetrate deeply into the scalp.
Illustration. Besides, you can incubate your hair with coconut oil. Take a suitable amount of coconut oil for your hair, 3-5 teaspoons, warm it up and apply it to your hair. Apply the coconut oil evenly and gently massage with your hands for at least 5 minutes so that the oil is evenly absorbed from the base to the tip. Then, proceed to wear a hat or towel to incubate hair. Finally, wash your hair with water and shampoo. Note, after washing your hair, you should limit the way out because the impact of sunlight and dust will reduce the effects of coconut oil. Alternatively, you can combine coconut oil and honey to nourish your hair and treat hair problems or combine coconut oil with picture juice to moisturize your hair. Coconut oil is great for dry, frizzy and split ends. So, if you have oily hair, when using it with coconut oil, be careful not to keep coconut oil for too long, use moderate amount of coconut oil or add lemon juice to coconut oil in a ratio of 1: 2 when use. After you finish covering your hair with coconut oil, you need to wash your hair thoroughly with water.
Illustration. After washing your hair, let your hair dry naturally, do not use a hairdryer to dry your hair and make it easier to fall out. When using hair dye, you can also add a few drops of coconut oil to the dye bottle before using it. Coconut oil will help you reduce the damage caused by chemicals.
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