Home Beauty How to rehydrate your body when doing yoga in summer

How to rehydrate your body when doing yoga in summer


Practicing yoga in the summer can consume a fair amount of water. To keep your body healthy and full of energy, you should pay more attention to rehydrating your body.
Summer is a great time to enjoy peace and connect your body to your surroundings through outdoor yoga exercises. However, when practicing yoga, you will need to pay a lot of attention to rehydration because hot weather in the summer can cause the body to lose 1.3 to 2.3% of the water. How to prevent dehydration when doing yoga in the summer?

1. Drink a full glass of water as soon as you wake up

During sleep, you lose a lot of water through breathing. Therefore, right after waking up, the most important thing to do is to replenish water immediately by drinking a full glass of water.

2. Eat more succulent fruits

In the middle of the hot summer, eating a piece of watermelon also makes it easy to rehydrate

Hydration is not required for the body to drink water. Instead, you can eat a variety of succulent fruits such as watermelon, oranges, tangerines … In particular, these fruits not only provide a considerable amount of water, but also add many vitamins that are good for you. health.

Besides, during yoga practice, you will also balance electrolytes to fight dehydration. If you want to supplement this ingredient, you need to eat fruits such as cucumbers, bananas, strawberries … to avoid dehydration in the gym.

3. Eat plenty of green vegetables

To prevent dehydration of your body when doing yoga in the summer, add more green vegetables to your daily diet. Green vegetables contain an ideal amount of water to help the body retain water naturally. Vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, and spinach help to cool down the body very well. In addition, green vegetables also provide water to keep the skin bright and beautiful.

Cabbage is one of the vegetables that provide water for you this summer

4. Drink at least one glass of water after each meal

Drinking water after every meal not only keeps your body hydrated, but also helps you feel fuller. From there, you will be able to control the amount of food you eat each meal, avoid overeating.

5. Limit drinks containing caffeine and alcohol

It is very difficult to prevent dehydration if you continue to drink coffee or alcohol. These drinks are high in caffeine and alcohol, substances that act as diuretics, which can temporarily inhibit the kidney’s ability to absorb water. Instead of coffee, you can choose fruit juices or whole grains.

Coffee contains diuretic caffeine, which can make you more dehydrated

6. Wear breathable clothing when doing yoga in the summer

The more you sweat, the faster your body will lose water. Therefore, when going to practice, prepare yourself well-ventilated clothes to keep your body dry, avoid losing a lot of water due to sweating.

7. Avoid yoga during the hottest part of the day

Practicing yoga in the summer will make you sweat a lot. You can “reduce” this by practicing yoga in the early morning or late afternoon when the weather is not too hot. And avoid exercising at times where the temperature is highest during the day, especially at noon.

8. Pay attention to rehydrate even when your body is not sweating

Sweating is not the only way to dehydrate your body. Our bodies can also lose water when we breathe, especially during the summer when hot weather causes your body to lose water more quickly. So, pay attention to drinking water during summer even when you are not sweating.

9. Always carry a bottle of water with you

Always pay attention to rehydration to avoid dehydration through sweat training

In fact, when you feel thirsty, your body is a little dehydrated. Therefore, the best way to prevent dehydration is to keep a pot of water on hand, be it on your desk or indoors to remind yourself to drink even when you’re not thirsty.

10. Drink water before and after yoga

Before training, you need to drink about 250-500ml of diluted juice or sports drinks. Note drinking small sips, divided equally 1 hour before training. Adequate water intake before training will help minimize stiffness and cramps. 30 minutes before exercise, you should drink 1 glass of sports water or purified water. Do not drink juice because it will upset the stomach.

After exercising, rehydration is extremely important, especially in hot summer. You can fill the body with about 600ml of water and note that drinking slowly, do not drink it all at once will not be good for your health.