Home Beauty How to treat back acne easily at home for men

How to treat back acne easily at home for men


Because it is difficult to observe, back acne is often overlooked by many people. However, when acne gets worse, it will negatively affect your appearance.

According to Men’ Health, back acne is difficult to observe and men do not always know they are suffering. The back is rarely seen from the mirror every day, making it difficult to treat. Like acne on the face, acne on the back or body occurs due to dead skin cell blockage in the pores or inflammation. Photo: Getty. The difference between facial and body acne is that inflammation can also appear around the hair follicles. This phenomenon, called folliculitis, occurs in certain hairy areas such as the back, chest, and buttocks. Folliculitis is often associated with bacteria. Bacteria get trapped inside hair follicles, causing inflammation and leading to pimples. Photo: Medical News Today. Another back acne culprit is friction. The friction between the back and the backpack, chair, and exercise equipment pushes sweat and dead skin down deep beneath the pores. Dermatologist Robert Finney in New York (USA) explains: “The mechanism of acne happens faster when we exercise. Tight, difficult-to-absorbent clothing causes sweat, dead skin to stay inside the hole. pores. From there, it leads to irritation and breakouts.” Photo: BandGrip. “Prevention is much more effective than treatment,” says Dr. Robert Finney. Men should keep the back area clean by bathing daily. Combine regular exfoliation 2-3 times a week to help unclog pores. Photo: ReviewThis. Guys should not wear clothes that are too tight, especially when exercising or doing sports. Shower immediately after exercise, change into clean, dry clothes. This has the effect of preventing sweat and bacteria from sticking on the skin for a long time. Photo: Getty. Facial acne ingredients, like salicylic acid (BHA) and benzoyl peroxide, also work for back acne. Look for salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide in acne solutions and creams. Salicylic acid is also found in some body washes for acne-prone skin. Continue to use skin care products, even if you have cleared your back acne. The above habit is to prevent acne from returning. Photo: Balding Beards. If your back acne gets worse, see a dermatologist as soon as possible. Vigorous flare-ups of body acne can be caused by hormones and other underlying health problems. Therefore, you need to apply a course of treatment guided by a dermatologist. Photo: The Dermatologist. Why are you prone to acne? Certain daily habits can cause breakouts, affecting your appearance.