Home Travel Inside the bunker under the buildings in Israel

Inside the bunker under the buildings in Israel


When the sirens sounded, signaling the danger of a “rain of rockets” launched from the Gaza Strip, Israelis had two minutes to reach the shelters built under the buildings.
RT producer Asiya Apakova, now based in Tel Aviv, had the opportunity to give the audience a peek inside a bunker that guarantees Israelis in emergency situations. (see video below – source: RT):

Located behind a thick iron door in the lobby of the building, the bunker ensures the safety of the building’s residents in the event of attacks. While some residents have their own private cellars in their homes, shared shelters in the lobby of buildings can help anyone, even passersby, quickly enter. Usually, this bunker is locked and becomes the people’s storage. However, when there is an emergency situation, the main door will be opened. Each building resident has a key to the bunker. Inside, residents leave luggage bags containing essential supplies such as water, snacks and spare batteries to be able to sustain life for a period of time. The cellar also installed two air conditioners to ensure air for people sheltering inside. The bunker has only one window and is surrounded by an “iron wall”. From the moment the rocket was launched from the Gaza Strip, the people of Tel Aviv had about two minutes to get to the shelter. Meanwhile, those who are closer, such as those living in the cities of Ashkelon or Sderot near the Gaza Strip, have less than 30 seconds to reach safety. Israel’s Iron Dome missile defense system is said to be able to intercept about 90% of incoming missiles, but the constant rain of rockets from Gaza in recent days seems to pose a challenge. defense system that Israel has always been proud of.