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Kenya and inspirational trips


Vast savannas dotted with huge herds of wildlife, snow-capped mountains at the equator, tribes still bearing an ancient look… All make up a charming Kenya, a source of inspiration. Undeniable inspiration for wildlife lovers.

The tribes in Kenya still keep their traditions. The “Soul” of Africa When people think of Africa, people often think of Kenya with iconic images. It is the lone acacia tree silhouetted against the characteristic grasslands (savannas) with an endless horizon. It is the snow-capped mountain that can be seen from the harsh deserts. It’s the palm-fringed, green coastline of the Indian Ocean, the Great Rift valley – traces of an earthquake that tore through the continent tens of millions of years ago, and dense forests reminiscent of the heart. of the continent. Therefore, Kenya is also known as “the country of epic terrains”, it stirs up in our hearts the desire to explore. Kenya is very famous for its movies about the wild world. This is the land of herds of wildebeest and zebras numbering in the millions and the “great predators of Africa” ​​such as lions, hyenas… Kenya is also home to the Tsavo red elephants, Amboseli elephant families in the shadow of Mount Kilimanjaro and millions of giant flamingos striding across shallow lakes. Africa is the last great wilderness where these creatures exist, and Kenya is the perfect place to respond to Africa’s wild call. Along with that are endangered species like the black rhino being hunted by poachers. Along with its awe-inspiring landscapes and wildlife, Kenya’s long history is particularly fascinating as it is home to some of Africa’s most famous peoples such as the Maasai, the Samburu, Turkana, Swahili, Kikuyu. Their long and lively history, coupled with their unique culture, will give you an unprecedented experience of the struggle to maintain tradition in an increasingly modern and crowded world, the war to survive in some of the harshest environments on earth, an ancient tension between settled farming and migratory tribes. Wildlife in Kenya especially attracts tourists. Tourism and conservation Coming to Kenya, visitors expect to see ancient and wild beauty. Kenya also identifies nature conservation as a national mission. The abundance of wildlife in Kenya is due to the collective efforts of the community. Kenya pioneered the use of armed rangers to protect rhinos and elephants. Kenya brought wildlife back after poaching in the 1970s and 1980s. What’s more, in places like Laikipia and Masai Mara, private and community sanctuaries combine tourism with Community development and wildlife conservation have achieved impressive results. For inspirational travel, few countries can match Kenya. The sanctuaries provide well-protected refuges for some of the most endangered wildlife on the planet, from lions and cheetahs in the southern Masai Mara to elephants and black rhinos in Samburu in the north. . Every year, between June and December, one of the world’s largest and longest animal migrations takes place in East Africa. More than two million wildebeest, zebras and other animals migrate across the Serengeti River to Kenya’s Masai Mara in search of greener pastures. The majority of Kenya’s tourists come between June and October to witness this “great migration”. The migration lasted from 800km to 1,600km. According to Kenya’s Minister of Tourism and Wildlife Najib Balala, August is one of the busiest months for the tourism industry, with arrivals during this period accounting for 10% of the country’s total annual visitors. Kenya, with about 250,000 visitors. Due to the impact of the Covid-19 epidemic, tourism in Kenya has been severely affected, and hunting tour companies in Kenya are facing unprecedented losses. However, this is an opportunity for nature to recover. Many types of animals have strong growth. For example, during the time of the pandemic, Kenya saw the arrival of more than 200 baby elephants, a miracle never before, they were called “Covid Gifts”. This Covid-19 “silent” also offers Kenya the opportunity to refine measures to help economic development go hand in hand with conservation more effectively when tourism reopens.