Home Beauty Losing fat, gaining muscle – what should happen first?

Losing fat, gaining muscle – what should happen first?


The choice of gaining muscle or losing fat first depends on the health of each person as well as the goal you aim to achieve.
When you lose fat, especially the abdomen, you will speed up your metabolism and have more energy to perform more difficult exercises, thereby helping to build muscle.

However, muscle gain can also aid fat loss. The more muscle you have, the higher your basal metabolic rate will be and the number of calories your body burns at rest will also increase. Therefore, losing fat and gaining muscle is a parallel process and is very important for losing weight and maintaining good health. Losing fat and gaining muscle are a parallel process to lose weight. Photo: Tea-talk. However, whether to gain muscle or lose fat first often depends on your percentage of body fat. If the body fat ratio is over 15% for men and over 23% for women, you should set a goal to lose fat first. The higher your body fat percentage, the harder it will be for you to gain muscle. When you lose fat, the body will become slimmer and lighter, thereby improving mood and quality of sleep. If you focus on gaining muscle first, the weight will increase in the early stages, making you discouraged and abandon the exercise plan, eat healthy. When the amount of fat is reduced, the hormonal balance of the body improves. This helps optimize muscle building by reducing the burden on the joints, making it easier to exercise. You can see that fat loss usually happens faster, and muscle gain is a long-term process. When prioritizing fat loss, muscles will gradually appear and you can gradually adjust your training goals as desired. If your body fat ratio is between 12-15% (male) or 20-23% (female), you can focus on building muscle first. Increased muscle mass will accelerate metabolism, especially calories will continue to be burned while the body resting. This will help you lose fat significantly. Note, muscle building cannot be done in the short term. Therefore, people who prioritize muscle gain goals need to be persistent in exercising. In fact, the body usually builds muscle and burns fat at the same time. In the beginners, this is quite common. If you exercise with the right regimen, you can achieve both muscle gain and fat loss goals. However, experts say that in each specific stage, you should focus on one goal. That will help the training process to improve and maintain a more effective body. Post line “Tet, what should I do if I eat a lot? due zing News and 25 Fit co-performed to suggest exercise methods, reasonable nutrition to help readers stay healthy and supple. 25 Fit is launching a free 25 Fit At Home home workout service for new members and registered guests. You will be training with EMS technology to help you lose fat, gain muscle for 25 minutes per session, 2 sessions / week. Practitioners will be instructed to take home instructions by coaches, to ensure compliance with medical safety regulations. Readers follow detailed information here. https://dangky.25fit.net/25fit-at-home-tap-ems-tai-nha?utm_source=Zing&utm_medium=Content&utm_campaign=AtHome