Home Science Mysterious ancient amulet banishes ‘evil eye’

Mysterious ancient amulet banishes ‘evil eye’


The ancient amulet used to ward off the ‘evil eye’ was discovered by an Israeli about 40 years ago near the site of an ancient synagogue and was recently given to the ancient authority. Israeli Animals (IAA).

The ancient amulet has just been presented to the Israel Antiquities Authority. A bronze amulet engraved with God’s name and magical symbols for protection from evil spirits and the “evil eye” curse has been turned over to authorities after being unearthed in northern Israel 40 years ago. before. According to the IAA , the amulet once worn on a necklace is believed to date to about 1,500 years ago during the Byzantine period . At that time, the region was ruled by the Eastern Roman Empire, also known as the Byzantine Empire after Byzantium, the old name of the city in which it was based (later Byzantium was renamed Constantinople and now It’s Istanbul now.) Although the amulet is engraved with Greek letters, they spell the Jewish name IAW, a form of the name “Yahweh” in the English alphabet. This bronze amulet, about eight centimeters long and four centimeters wide, was found near the site of an ancient synagogue at Arbel, just west of the Sea of ​​Galilee. Eitan Klein, an archaeologist with the IAA, said the location and inscriptions suggest that the amulet may have been worn by a Jewish, not necessarily Christian, regardless of its origin. its religion, “Although scholars often identify wearers of such amulets as Christians, the fact that the amulet was found in a Jewish settlement that had a synagogue in the fifth and sixth centuries A.D. might indicate that even the Jews of that period wore amulets of this kind to protect against the evil eye and the devil,” says Klein. Devil’s Eye This type of charm was relatively common at that time in Galilee and what is now Lebanon; They are sometimes known as a form of the “Seal of Solomon”, named after the legendary king of Israel. One side of this amulet features a galloping horseman with a halo on his head, thrusting a spear into a woman lying on her back. A Greek inscription carved above the rider’s head reads “The Only God Who Conquers Evil” and God’s name in Greek letters – IAW – is engraved underneath the horse’s feet. The other side depicts an eye pierced by an arrow and an object split in half. The eye appears to be threatened by two lions, a snake, a scorpion, and a bird below it, and a Greek letter abbreviation meaning “One Lord” engraved above it. above it. The amulet was probably made to protect people against evil spirits and a magical curse known as the evil eye, a long-held belief throughout the ancient world at least as far back as the sixth century. B.C. According to this belief, some magicians are said to be able to lift the curse with a malicious look, while those who receive it will be injured or have misfortune. “The equestrian is depicted conquering evil spirits, in this case a woman identified with the Greek mythological figure of Gello or Gyllou, who threatens women and children,” Klein said. and is related to the evil eye,” Klein said. “The eye on the back is identifiable as a demon eye that is attacked and destroyed in various ways. Therefore, the amulet was probably used to protect women and children.” A family member of the finder, now deceased, recently turned over the amulet to the Israel Antiquities Authority, and Klein encourages those with similar treasures to do the same. The amulet is believed to date back to the late Talmudic period in Jewish history, when traditional Jewish theology and law were formalized in a collection of written works known as the Talmud. The synagogue in Arbel is often mentioned in historical sources from Talmudic times, Klein said; where there was a linen manufacturing industry, and many Jewish sages visited or taught there.