Home Beauty Skin rejuvenation with only 4 types of detox masks that work quickly...

Skin rejuvenation with only 4 types of detox masks that work quickly and safely


No need for spa or cosmetic surgery, women just work hard with the beauty mask formula below to have a bright, smooth, youthful skin.
1. Green tea mask

Green tea is famous for its cleansing and whitening properties. Just 2 teaspoons of green tea powder with water or unsweetened milk and you have a versatile mask mixture. The way to do it is too simple, just wash your face, apply the mixture on your face, wait for it to dry, then rinse it off again. Consistently with this mask, you will feel your face visibly brighter and brighter, reducing the risk of pore-blocking and significantly reducing acne. 2. Activated carbon mask Activated carbon is widely used in beauty technology thanks to its ability to absorb poison, remove dirt, help prevent blackheads as well as tighten pores. You just need to buy activated carbon powder, mix 1 tablespoon with aloe vera gel and then apply as a mask for about 20 minutes. Do it regularly for a period of time, you will see amazing results. 3. Seaweed mask Seaweed has the ability to protect the skin from environmental factors, stimulate blood vessels under the skin as well as provide essences to help detoxify. How to make seaweed mask mixture includes: 1/2 small teaspoon seaweed powder, 1 teaspoon lavender essential oil, then mix well to have a thick paste. Apply the mixture on your face for 10-15 minutes and then repair it. Surely your skin will light up and improve markedly after a short time. 4. Clay mask In the beauty world, no one is unaware of the “divine” clay powder material. With its outstanding function to deeply clean and soothe red blemishes, clay powder is considered the main ingredient for beauty recipes. Mix 1 teaspoon of clay powder with 1 teaspoon of essential oil (olive, coconut oil, almond oil …) to create a thick paste just enough. Apply the mask for about 15 minutes, you will see a clear difference when you feel smooth skin full of vitality.