Saturday, December 21, 2024
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Tag: Submarine

The original African giant crocodile resembles a submarine as a big...

If the giant crocodile Kalia and Gustav are beast-class crocodiles, then this submarine-shaped crocodile must be called a prehistoric behemoth.If the giant crocodile Kalia...

Why is Russia’s super-cavity torpedo underrated?

Despite being a heavily advertised 'underwater killer', the VA-111 Shkval super-cavity torpedo 'Wind' is not trusted by many Russian weapons buyers, why is that? ...

Indonesia ‘plays big’, sharply increasing defense budget

A leaked document shows that Indonesia will triple its defense budget over the next five years and modernize its fleet of warships. Newspaper ...

Russia is preparing the last type of ballistic missile submarine since...

The Russian Navy has announced that the nuclear ballistic missile submarine Ekaterinburg will be decommissioned in 2022 after more than 36 years of service. ...

‘Boss’ – ‘affordable’ version of Russia’s coastal patrol and submarine version

'Boss' will become the first near-shore coastal patrol vessel capable of deep diving. Simply put, it is an inexpensive submarine for countries with modest...

Kazan nuclear submarine: The new main weapon of the Russian Navy

The Kazan nuclear submarine possesses a powerful weapon system that can attack a variety of targets at sea and on the ground, becoming a...

Shrinking his head because he crashed into a submarine mountain, the...

In 2005, a US nuclear submarine once plunged into a submarine mountain while traveling at high speed, causing the bow to break and the...

American newspaper praises Russia’s most dangerous submarine

The latest electric motor of the Russian submarine of the Lada class is so complete that the ship makes almost no sound when approaching...

Russian unique diving patrol boat and formidable features

One of the Sentinel's advantages is the combination of patrol and submarines. The Rubin Central Marine Engineering Design Bureau (part of the United Russia...

The series depicts the unusual life of a submarine sailor

Life inside a submarine is not for everyone. It was an extremely cramped undersea world, time was like 'freezing' and without windows ... ...

Power super submarine nicknamed ‘F-22 under the ocean’

Quietly operating without noise to avoid detection, equipped with modern electronic equipment and a powerful arsenal, the German-made Type-212A is the most powerful non-nuclear...

Many theories about the cause of the Indonesian submarine crash

Some suggested that this submarine was hit by a missile from a foreign ship, or even lost power. But naval officials said the submarine...

The most terrible submarine tragedies in human history

As a weapon that many people operate, each submarine tragedy involves the lives of dozens, or even hundreds of people. The...

The Indonesian submarine sailor could suffocate before running out of oxygen

Indonesian officials said that the crew of the KRI Nanggala-402 submarine had just enough oxygen until early the morning of April 24. But according...

Choking submarine rescue race

The Indonesian Navy is racing to find the missing KRI Nanggala 402 submarine. However, the ship was capable of slipping to such great depths...

Experts explain why the search for Indonesian submarines is so difficult

Why is finding submarines always difficult? Hear an explanation from a former US Navy submarine officer. The Indonesian navy KRI Nanggala-402...

Scary coincidence regarding the ‘ill-fated’ Indonesian submarine Nanggala

Indonesia's ill-fated Nanggala submarine is the second ship to have an accident while operating among submarines in the same class, the search is forecast...

The wreck of the Indonesian submarine was found missing at a...

Based on such evidence, the Commander of the Indonesian Army declared that the submarine Nanggala was sunk and the entire crew was dead. On...

The most mysterious and catastrophic submarine incidents in the history of...

Submarines are the most important military means to help countries gain advantage from the seabed, but that feature makes it difficult to find when...

Little-known facts about the first nuclear power submarine of the Soviet...

This 'undersea monster' became the most powerful submarine of the Soviet Union and was the first submarine to break 2.5 meters thick ice in...