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The Day of God of Fortune: There is no longer a scene waiting in line to buy gold


Despite many measures to prevent the Covid-19 epidemic, many gold shops in Hanoi are still very deserted, not many people come to buy them in the early morning of the morning of Than Tai (January 10, negative calendar).

Contrary to previous years, early in the morning on February 21 (ie January 10, lunar calendar), according to folklore is the day of Than Tai, at the gold shops in Hanoi on Tran Nhan Tong street. And the scene of waiting in line to buy gold is lucky. This is also predicted by many shop owners, as this year the Covid-19 translation is complicated in many regions and localities. That is why, most gold shops in Hanoi have carefully prepared to prevent epidemics by many measures: Divide the areas lined up with barriers … …. customers who come to buy goods must make medical declarations, … perform antiseptic, measure body temperature. At the same time, the area inside the store is divided, creating a safe distance. All antiseptic remedies are made to the maximum extent. However, according to the observations of PV VOV, despite many measures to prevent epidemics, due to the anxiety and fear of the people, the number of people coming to buy gold in the early morning of the morning of this year is very much. grim. The buying – selling is no longer as bustling, jostling like every year. The purchase of gold, payment … all took place in a stable way, without the scramble as every year According to the gold trading units, because the day of the Wallet of God of this year falls right at the time of Covid-19 translation is complicated, many people are afraid to go to crowded places. At the same time, today is also a holiday, so people may buy more at noon. There are many people who choose to buy 1-2 days ago because they are afraid that on the right day, Vía Thần Tài must wait or meet many people. In terms of products, this year, many gold and silver companies in Hanoi have selected a lot of unique gold and western jewelry, such as: The Golden Statue of Than Tai – the opening of the spring of prosperity, protecting peace; Dinh Vang Tai Fortune brings wealth and prosperity, a good start and a happy and peaceful for homeowners to welcome the new year; Gold coin ring – gold coin affluence … However, according to the business units, on this day, buyers often choose to buy the product lines: Gold bar, round smooth ring … with the quantity from half to 5 only. The golden zodiac symbol is also bought by many customers on this day with the desire to bring luck to the whole new year. Currently, the price of 999.9 gold bars traded at Bao Tin Minh Chau is at 54.30 million VND / tael (buying price) and 55 million VND / tael (selling price). This price level is decreasing compared to the previous trading sessions. Doji gold price is listed at DOJI 55.60 million / tael (buying price) and 56.30 million / tael (selling price) … The custom of buying gold on the day of Vía Thần Tài has been around for a long time, but has become popular for about a decade. The people who buy – sell gold during the day for Vía Thần Tài now are not just those who do business, but the office people also come to buy gold for luck.