Home Beauty The dog has the most wrinkled coat in the world but is...

The dog has the most wrinkled coat in the world but is extremely cute


At first glance, this super fluffy roll looks more like a folded blanket than a dog.

At first glance, this super fluffy roll looks more like a folded blanket than a dog. Harvey, 6 months old, is a pet dog of the soft-skinned Shar Pei breed of 22-year-old owner Teresa Moll Arguimbau in Menorca, Spain. With his distinctive appearance, Harvey loves a full body care that involves moisturizing head to toe in order to be able to maintain his unique folds. Ms. Arguimbau said: “I was crazy about the wrinkles and the Harvey’s skin. It was very soft, and the wrinkles were beautiful.” Arguimbau describes that every time Harvey drank water, the water would flow through the wrinkles and Chloe, Harvey’s mother, was the one who had to go clean by licking the water from those wrinkles. To preserve Harvey’s strange fur, the owner Arguimbau must regularly apply moisturizer, every two days. It is known that the Shar Pei breed originated in the Far East, which has less wrinkles on the skin but over time, breeders have released more varieties. The dog has the most wrinkled coat in the world but is extremely cute On the social networking site, Arguimbau regularly shares lovely pictures of the family dogs. In addition, she also shares tips and ideas with other employers on how to care. “I didn’t expect love from my online friends, but I suddenly discovered a wonderful community, a family that I can interact with every day,” Arguimbau said. can exchange a lot of knowledge, learn new things and most of all, share Harvey’s daily life with everyone “. Harvey dog ​​likes to go to the sun, go to the beach, but his special skin is quite sensitive to sunlight. Harvey’s photos attracted the attention of netizens. Not only that, in real life, Harvey is also famous throughout the island where it lives. ‘Harvey also attracts a lot of attention in the real world. Living on such a small island, where everyone knows each other, makes Harvey very popular here. ”
The dog Harvey has two siblings, Dona and Louis, but both have gone to a new home. During the early days of his life, Harvey had problems with vision. The owner must take the veterinarian to see him so he can see. Arguimbau said: “Dona and Louis have no vision problems but Harvey does. Harvey has more wrinkles than his brothers. In the first two months, he didn’t see anything. Every week, I brought him to see him. The veterinarian and therapist also had to take antibiotics and creams. Fortunately, as time went on, Harvey gradually regained his vision even though one eye could not see clearly. “