Home Beauty The secret to keeping skin smooth like a baby in the dry...

The secret to keeping skin smooth like a baby in the dry season


With just one simple trick, you can keep your skin smooth without drying out in the winter.

If in the summer, your skin can be darkened by the hot heat, in the autumn and winter with dry weather, your skin becomes very sensitive and vulnerable. With each passing season, even the smallest changes in weather and temperature will directly affect your skin.

A few tips will help you to eliminate any worries about damage to your skin and is also the perfect preparation step against dry weather.

1. Drink 2 liters of water / day

Drink enough water every day to help beautiful skin.

Drinking enough water has long been considered an important habit to maintain health and healthy skin. Enough water helps the body to excrete better, thereby pushing toxins and waste out of the body. Without water, skin becomes dull, dry and lifeless.

In addition to drinking water, you can supplement with fruit juices. Vegetable juices provide additional vitamins to the skin and slow down the aging process by promoting the production of collagen.

1. Use a facial cleanser with massage beads

Cold weather and dry air are the main reasons why you should change your cleanser. In the autumn and winter, the skin does not produce sweat, so it is often squashed, stretching the skin, causing cracking, creating a very uncomfortable feeling.

Choosing a cleanser with a lot of massage beads will make you feel more secure on your face because it cleans deep inside so that pores are always clear, eliminating any unpleasant feelings on your skin .

2. Moisturizes and protects the skin

Moisturizing is a very necessary step in all your skin care, especially in days when the weather is gradually becoming dry and cold wind. Moisturizer always works to nourish and protect the skin to help you always have a youthful, smooth skin.

You should spend the morning moisturizing your skin because then your skin has just rested and has a certain elasticity, this is the time when your moisturizing work is most effective.

Besides, you also need to limit the application of moisturizer at night.

Because your skin and all parts of your body go into a resting state at night, applying moisturizer that will prevent your pores from circulating regularly will cause your skin to dry and crack quickly.

3. Apply a natural mask

Natural masking helps you maintain smooth skin.

There are many types of natural masks that you should apply. In recent years, the beauty trend from nature has become more and more popular because of the effectiveness it brings. From the ingredients available in the kitchen, you can completely make your own natural masks suitable for each skin type. The advantage of the natural mask over the commercially available cosmetics is that it does not contain lead, does not contain corticosteroids. Corticoid is an extremely powerful anti-inflammatory, which works to quickly heal acne, smooth immediately, but is the number 1 culprit causing skin aging (wrinkles, damaged skin structure).

Results are slow, but natural masks are considered a long-term, safe and effective beauty treatment.

4. Eat lots of green vegetables and fruits

There is nothing better than skin care by eating lots of green vegetables and fruits. Vitamins E, C, A along with other antioxidants will fight free radicals, preventing cell aging from within.

Autumn vegetables are good for the skin such as carrots, tomatoes, vegetables, pomegranates, oranges, lemons, grapefruit … Every day you should remind yourself to drink at least 1 fresh fruit juice to maintain a naturally beautiful skin.

5. Morning exercise

After a night, the body accumulates many wastes, toxins, and exercise stimulates the sweat glands to work.

Dust, dirt, and residue will follow sweat and escape from the pores. This process helps the skin “detox”, the cells develop healthier. Exercise, on the other hand, stimulates metabolism not only for a rosy, healthy skin, but also for the whole body.