Ms. Valentina Vassilyev lived in Russia in the 18th century, experiencing 16 twins, 7 giving births 3 and 4 giving births. However, many people do not believe this because it is difficult to explain from a medical perspective.
People often have limited fertility, especially as the older age, the more difficult the childbirth and lead to many dangerous complications. However, a woman named Valentina Vassilyev in Russia has made many curious because of her birth record. Many people doubt the character and the conviction of the event due to the number of pregnancies and the child she gave birth.
The woman holds the Guinness world record for childbirth On the official website of the Guinness World Records, Valentina Vassilyev is named the “most blessed” woman in the world with a large number of children she has never been able to surpass – 69 children after 27 times. pregnant. Two children, after being born, could not save their lives. The remaining 67 children were healthy and developed normally. According to the Metafloss, Feodor Vassilyev was a Russian farmer living in the 1700s. Her husband, Feodor Vassilyev, lives in Shuya, Russia. Valentina is his first wife. In the magazine Saint-Petersburg Panorama , in 1834, the author Bashutsky Alexander, mentioned the notes of the Nikolskiy monastery to the authorities in Moscow. Nikolskiy Monastery is responsible for recording information about births and reporting the situation as a way of keeping track of the population. According to records, in 1782, the monastery reported that Mr. Feodor – a 75-year-old farmer – had a total of 87 children with two wives. By the time of the record, 82 children are still living healthy. The phenomenon of childbirth of the Vassilyev family is controversial. Artwork: Getty Images. However, a lot of people are skeptical of this event. According to the History Daily The labor burden is the first thing that makes it hard for them to believe that a woman spends most of her time giving birth, especially in the Russian rural context centuries ago. Not to mention, ensuring physical conditions, eating and drinking activities for children is not necessarily possible. Also, the older a woman gets, the lower a woman’s chance of conceiving. Most women do not become pregnant by the time they turn 40. The rate of conception per cycle for a 45 year old woman is about 1% per month. Valerie Baker, Associate Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Stanford University School of Medicine, USA, said: “Pregnancy is the most difficult physical thing that every woman has to experience. Childbirth is a portal, each pregnancy is a dangerous time to the mother’s life. It entails many risks, dangerous complications such as hemorrhage, premature birth. With twins and triplets, this risk increases ”.
Birth 3 and 4 are considered special because the rate of occurrence is not much. Artwork: USA Today. Find the truth The story of Valentina Vassilyev quickly attracted the curiosity of researchers. Many people are determined to find the truth. According to the History Dialy, New Zealander Marie M. Clay discovered a number of articles published in the 1800s about a woman giving birth to 69 children. They are gathered in the book Quadruplets and Higher Multiple Births , published in 1989. Marie admits the story of Vassilyev has many variations. However, historians all believe that much of what is recorded is true and that this mother gave birth to an unprecedented number of children. But the exact number of children Valentina has is remains a mystery. Journal Gentleman (in London, England), no. 753, p. 53, published in 1783, records of a letter about the Vassilyev family. The content of the letter mentioned that the large number of children in this family may come from the husband’s fullness. The writer confirmed this is true, verified by a British businessman, once traveling to St.Peterburg and learned that the Vassilyev family will meet the Queen of Russia. 1878, in the magazine The Lancet , The French Academy conducted the study, overturning the above event. They try to verify whether the large Vassilyev family is real. A member of the Royal Academy of St. Petersburg said this does not require re-verification because the Vassilyevs, living in Moscow, have received many favors from the government. Besides, it is reported that Ms. Valentina lived to be 76 years old.
New Zealander Marie M. Clay and her book Quadruplets and Higher Multiple Births, published in 1989. Photo: Amazon. An average pregnancy takes 40 weeks. The more pregnant a woman has at the same time, the sooner she will go into labor. Based on the number of 69 children that the documents recorded, many scientists hypothesize that mothers in Russia must undergo a total of 27 births. Of these, 16 were twins, 7 triplets and 4 quadrants, between 1725 and 1765. Thus, 16 twins of Mrs. Valentina took 37 weeks, 7 triplets pregnant 32 week and 4 times of 30-week pregnancy. The total number of weeks for the 27 pregnancies was 936 weeks. Each year, for 52 weeks, Valentina takes 18 years to become pregnant. In theory, this is quite possible. Twins and triplets, birthing 4 can happen in two ways: Multiple eggs are ovulating at the same time successfully fertilized or a fertilized egg splits into several viable embryos, resulting in identical twins. each other, have the same genetic code. However, these cases are very rare in the world. Therefore, the fact that Valentina has had 16 twins is unbelievable, making this story still a controversial mystery.
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