Home Cuisine Tips to buy crab meat, firm meat, fresh and delicious

Tips to buy crab meat, firm meat, fresh and delicious


Bag now the experience of choosing the best and most delicious crabs, crabs below to buy fresh and delicious crabs for your family.
How to distinguish male and female crabs

Male crabs have a small bib (triangle below the abdomen), female crabs are large. How to choose crabs See more: See the color of the silk skin (young skin) between the elbows (elbow) on the crabs. If the skin is reddish pink or dark pink, the crab has a lot of meat. And you need to look more closely: when the crab is just caught, the skin is straight and shiny, it is the fat crab. Conversely, old crabs will get sick due to long periods of frostbite, and this skin layer is wrinkled. Squeeze bib: When squeezing the crab cover, if you feel it hard, the crab is firm. Conversely, if you hear soft (fluffy), the crab is less meat (fried). Illustration. Squeeze the top of the thigh of the swimming beam, below the pubic: Squeeze it in your hand, if you see the crab struggling with the whole stick, the stronger the crab (delicious meat). On the contrary, the crab was weak – dying. Because about 2 hours before death, crab meat gradually deteriorates – plenty of water (butcher). Do not choose crab with greenish look and shells, press the hands and overalls that are soft, it is succulent, less meaty, not delicious. If you have finished buying crab, you have to bring it to travel long distances or preserve it for a long time when the weather is hot, you must choose a fresh one, looking at the crab cover still firmly attached to the body, legs and the more flexible rhythmic movement, the more spines on and the crab shells are still intact – these crabs are even stronger and easier to preserve. Tips for you After having tips on choosing to buy delicious crabs, it is indispensable how to cook and eat to get the most meat: Crab is most delicious when steamed with lemongrass. You can also chop them together to make stir-fry chili lemongrass, salt-roasted, or whole soy sauce. Crab, crabs just finished are still hot, you peel the bib, apricot, gills, stomach near the head (remember to keep the water in the crab shell because this water is very nutritious and delicious), remove bricks, crab shells, crabs slowly. It is easy on top to bottom because there is a brick membrane, the bricks will come out lightly, take out the legs to break the large joint, break the lower lower joint, slowly pull the crab meat out. After eating crabs, crabs, you are like eating snails, washing your hands with lemongrass leaves or green tea, adding a few slices of lemon juice to remove the fishy smell. If you want to eat delicious crabs, eat them at the beginning or end of the month, because according to folk experience, the cycle of shelled crabs to develop will fast during this time, so they are thin and often fried (less meat). Do not buy crab around the full moon day (15th lunar month) because this is the time when crabs peel, fast, so they are easily fried (less meat). Choose crab with many bricks First you need to choose female crabs that have been spawning before. With this type of crab is also quite easy to distinguish, you look at the crab bib, if there is an oval crab bib and the fur around it, it is a female crab that has been spawning many times. Next you look in the middle of the crab cover and the crab shell, if you open it and see a lot of red brick inside, it is a lot of brick crab.