Using salt and ginger mixed with warm water will help limit excessive sweating on the soles of the feet. This combination works to keep the feet dry and clean.
Hot weather makes sweat constantly pouring out or you’ve just come back from the rain and your shoes are soaked and your feet are stinking badly, but even though you’ve washed your feet, it’s not very good. This makes us very headache. You can rest assured with this extremely effective foot odor treatment with only natural ingredients available and safe for your skin. Combine ginger, salt and warm water: Salt is highly bacteriostatic, while ginger with hot essence when mixed with hot water will help the pores to expand, thereby creeping in to filter out the bacteria that cause bad odors, and help limit secretion. a lot of perspiration on the soles of the feet. This combination works to keep the feet dry and clean. The method is quite simple, just prepare 2 liters of warm water in a medium-sized brass, add 2 teaspoons of salt, a few slices of crushed ginger, stir and let your feet soak to relax for 30 minutes every day before go to bed. With this secret, not only the foot odor can be eliminated but also helps the body relax, relax, and blood circulation better. Green tea leaf: Green tea with its cool properties has an effective detoxifying and deodorizing effect thanks to its light, light scent. Using green tea leaves to fight off bad feet is a pretty effective and simple way. Just crush the green tea leaves then boil them with water. Use the same water, add a little cold water to soak your feet, take the green tea leaves gently rub all over the soles of the feet, line your toes, toenails to remove all the bacteria on the skin.
Use fresh lemons: Lemons are an acidic fruit and you also know that acids are always effective when used to cleanse, deodorize, and help soften the skin. Along with that, the gentle aroma of lemons helps the skin no longer have unpleasant odors. Cut a few slices of lemon juice, gently rubbing it from between toes and toes and all over the soles of the feet. Leave for 15 minutes for the lemon to soak evenly over the skin. Then, rinse with plain water, if you want to feel cleaner you can wash with soap.
Use alum: In alum there is aluminum sulfate – this is an extremely effective deodorizer. When your feet show signs of persistent odor, despite using many methods, try alum right away, ensuring good results. First, you need to crush alum into a powder and then apply it evenly on the feet, paying attention to the toes and toes, because this is a very easy place for bacteria to multiply and flourish. After 10 minutes, wash the feet back to normal, using a towel to dry. Acid alum powder contributes to dry feet, deodorizing and airy, no more squash.
Use vinegar: Vinegar does the same thing as alum, except it’s water. Vinegar evaporates very quickly, so when using vinegar to soak the feet, after only a short time they will evaporate all the unpleasant odors and dry feet. Dissolve 20 ml of rice vinegar or baby vinegar in 2 liters of warm water. Let your feet soak for about 20 minutes, once a day, only about 1 week you will see unexpected results.
Use white radish: You must feel that using white radish to treat foot odor may be a bit strange, but white radish is inherently welded, has a very effective detoxification effect. Using white radish to treat foot odor is both safe and effective. Buy 1 white radish, peel, wash, slice, and boil with 1 liter of water, 1 teaspoon of salt. Pour radish juice into a tub, add 1.5 liters of cold water and soak your feet 30 minutes before going to bed every day. Only after a short time you will feel the results clearly. If you do not use fresh radish, you can replace it with dried radish.
Use fig leaves: Fig leaves have the same effect as green tea leaves. Just using a little fig leaf can help you get rid of the stubborn foot odor that is always persistent. You rub a handful of fig leaves about 10 to 15 leaves and put in a pot of water to boil. When you feel that the figs are out of substance, turn off the heat, pour into a brass, and add water to create a warm temperature. Then, let the feet soak for 30 minutes, 2 to 3 times a day. The effect will be evident after 3-4 days of implementation.
Use loofah to insulate shoes: The foot smells because we wear our socks and shoes all day long, our feet are sweaty, we have nothing to do to keep the soles of the feet dry. You can use loofah as a soles to ensure your feet are always dry, because they have excellent absorbency. Thanks to that, no more stench comes out every time we take off our shoes or socks.
Some notes to reduce foot odor back: You should limit eating foods that easily cause odors such as raw garlic, raw onions or fresh peppers because they help the smell to spread faster and stronger. Limit alcohol consumption, smoking and stimulants because they are also one of the causes of foot odor. Should wash feet after wearing shoes for a while, use a towel to dry immediately to cool feet, reduce odor.
The cause of foot odor We often feel uncomfortable because feet are always wet and give off an unpleasant smell, but we still do not know where the cause is that makes you feel shy when traveling with friends or standing near people around. The most common underlying causes of bad feet are the body or external factors. – Due to the active sweat glands: this is caused by active sweat glands in the legs. Therefore, wearing socks and shoes all day will cause more sweat production and feet always in a wet state. From there, bacteria and fungi proliferate, causing your feet to emit an unpleasant odor. – Due to the skin condition: usually everyone has completely different terrain and skin is no exception. Like dry facial skin, oily skin, combination skin, the same is true of the soles of our feet. For people with oily skin, oily skin is more likely to have foot odor than people with dry skin and their odor is even more concentrated. – Due to cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, obesity, blood is not circulating well, causing infections in the legs, causing bad smell or psoriasis, keratosis is also the cause of the disease. – Due to the activity of the nervous organs: when you are always stressed, stress will cause the body to increase the secretion of the sweat glands, especially in the foot area. Not only that, but other skin areas also have the ability to increase the amount of sweat flowing out and the smell is definitely not very pleasant. – Not regularly cleaning feet: after removing shoes, very few people immediately think about washing their feet, this is also a reason that your feet easily smell bad. Therefore, you should regularly clean your feet with soap and water and wipe them with a dry cloth to keep your feet cool and clean.
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