Home Health Traffic accident – shock to loved ones, severe sequelae for sick people

Traffic accident – shock to loved ones, severe sequelae for sick people


Although many cases turn the red alarm to the emergency hospital for traffic accident patients, it is not always lucky for them. Instant deaths still occur.

Traffic accident patients increased again

Talk to reporters Infonet, Dr. Luong Van Chuong, Head of Emergency Department of Green Pon Hospital said that the first time when Decree 100 officially took effect and was implemented, traffic accidents that required hospitalization were greatly reduced. much.

However, recently, the traffic accident has become more serious. According to statistics at the Emergency Department of the Blue Poly Hospital, only since the beginning of April, the department has received 75 cases due to traffic accidents. This also happened similarly at Viet Duc Hospital and other hospitals in Hanoi City.

Serious injuries caused by traffic accidents were taken to the emergency room at Viet Duc Hospital.

According to Dr. Chuong, after the social gap for epidemic prevention is over, all activities return to “new normal state”, the alcohol use increases, patients hospitalized due to traffic accidents also have signs. increase.

“Over 50% of traffic accidents that get tested in the Emergency Department have alcohol levels in the blood. This proves that they used alcohol and caused traffic accidents ”, said Dr. Luong Van Chuong.

What worries Dr. Chuong is that traffic accidents caused by alcohol use often feature much more severe injuries than normal accidents.

“Most patients come in a state of complex, multi-organ damage, most commonly traumatic brain, abdomen (rupture of the liver, spleen rupture), fractured limbs … Sad than most of the cases. This mainly falls on young men in working age ”, MSc .. Dr. Luong Van Chuong said.

M.BS Luong Van Chuong.

It takes manpower and medicine to cure it, but the sequelae are still very heavy

On the task of saving people, with any traffic accident (with loved ones, or without relatives) being brought to the hospital, the doctors must treat them. However, according to Dr. Chuong, when meeting these cases, Khoa had to mobilize many medical doctors to participate in the emergency.

For patients suffering from multiple traumatic accidents, the hospital will have to trigger a red alarm for the whole hospital to the emergency centers, external emergency resuscitation, surgery … Many serious cases must be taken directly to the operating theater. At this time, both to coordinate resuscitation and perform surgery for the patient.

Doctor Luong Van Chuong visits patients with traffic accidents at Green Po Hospital.

On average for each such case, the Emergency Department had to organize a tour with 5 surgical doctors, 2 emergency doctors, 7 nurses… to focus on the patient. In addition, it is necessary to arrange an emergency team on duty at the whole hospital, including: anesthetists, imaging diagnostics (imaging, ultrasound); surgical doctors (neurologists if the patient has traumatic brain injury; gastrointestinal doctor (for patients with abdominal trauma) or orthopedic surgeons (if the patient has fractured limbs); sometimes needed to both the vascular surgeon and the doctor in the Department of Hematology to promptly transfuse if the patient is losing too much blood.

The hospital is dedicated to saving patients from traffic accidents, but it is not always lucky to reach patients, especially traffic accidents caused by alcohol.

“If ordinary people have a traffic accident (if not surprised), reflexively, they usually try to avoid to limit injury, but in cases of alcohol use, they lose control, no mastering behavior …, so injuries are often very severe, not only injuring one organ but often multi-organ “, Dr. Luong Van Chuong analyzed.

“We have received the death cases at the Faculty, especially many deaths on the way to the hospital. This is a real shock to the relatives of the victim”, Head of Emergency Department of St. Paul Hospital share.

With lucky cases of escaping the scythe of death, according to Dr. Luong Van Chuong, the sequelae left behind are also very heavy: Legs and arms are amputated lightly; Severe mental effects (epilepsy, neurological abnormalities), even some people live plants …

Sickness and accident are not said before, but with traffic accidents in general, especially due to alcohol in particular, the point of view of Dr. Chuong is that they can be prevented. More than ever, he hopes to “be unemployed”, no longer have to mobilize the total force for victims of traffic accident.

To do this, Dr. Chuong wants people to be responsible for themselves, their families and the community when participating in traffic by strictly enforcing the Traffic Safety Law, drinking alcohol, not driving. .

“Suggest specialized agencies to tighten the supervision of alcohol use when participating in traffic, strengthen propaganda about the sense of participating in traffic so that people understand not to drive when using alcohol. “, Dr. Luong Van Chuong expressed.