‘Night Hunter’ Mi-28NM is considered to become the most powerful attack helicopter of the Russian military.
The “Night Hunter” Mi-28NM, developed by the Russian Helicopter Company of Rostec, is a modernized version of the Mil Mi-28 attack helicopter.
Mi-28NM is capable of operating in all weather conditions, performing many tasks including armored attack, destruction of low-speed air targets, reconnaissance… This latest version will be released. introduced at the MAKS-2021 Military Show this summer. The performance of the Mi-28NM combat helicopter’s complex skills will be one of the most awaited activities. Mi-28NM combat helicopter. Photo: RBTH The Mi-28NM made its first flight at the end of 2016 and has undergone state tests over the past few years. In June 2019, the Russian Ministry of Defense signed a contract for the supply of 98 aircraft of the Mi-28NM version. The first batch was delivered to the army in 2020. The production of Mi-28NM was also carried out at the Rostvertol plant. “The Mi-28NM helicopter has undergone an upgrade and modification process after the “fire test” in Syria. Engineers have tested the Mi-28NM helicopter in real combat conditions to present to the public a version of the most powerful combat helicopter in the Russian air force,” said Professor Vadim Kozyulin at the Institute of Military Science. Russia said. What’s new in Mi-28NM? The new cabin of the Mi-28NM is protected by armor, including tempered glass in front that can withstand 12.7mm bullets. The armor barrier between the non-crew members also limits the ability to deal consecutive damage to both pilots. This baffle can withstand the impact of 20mm bullets. This is the first time on the Mi-28 helicopter that there is a partition between the two main pilots and the co-pilot. The pilot and copilot emergency exit systems can be activated separately.
Mi-28NM has been “fired” in the Syrian battlefield. Photo: RBTH “The Mi-28NM is the latest version of the Mi-28N helicopter. It is enhanced with many capabilities, including mobility. The new helicopter is capable of using high-precision weapons, has a new control system with integrated AI. Mi-28NM can interact with helicopters, UAVs and other aircraft on the battlefield,” said Dmitry Litovkin, Executive Director of Independent Military Review. The “weapon” of the Mi-28NM helicopter also includes kamikaze drones – a type of suicide UAV. “The Mi-28NM can deploy and control one or more suicide UAVs. When hostile objects are detected, the pilots will provide target data and monitor the removal of those targets,” the expert said. The Mi-28NM helicopter can operate in difficult weather conditions, capable of flying in both piloted and automatic modes. One of the key practical changes for the pilot on the Mi-28NM is the dual control mode: in the event of a primary pilot’s injury or death, the co-pilot can continue to control the helicopter. Mi-28N does not have this mode. According to publicly available information, the main difference of the Mi-28NM is that it is equipped with a radar and thermal imaging support system, with the ability to scan around the aircraft instead of a few directions. Mi-28NM has a huge arsenal, including new generation multi-purpose missiles, including those launched beyond the enemy’s air defense identification zone, as well as various types of bombs. The helicopter can attack fixed and moving targets within a radius of 8-10 km.
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