Home Beauty 11 bad habits that make your skin appear wrinkled

11 bad habits that make your skin appear wrinkled


Not wearing sunscreen is the biggest mistake for your skin, but besides that there are many bad habits that can facilitate wrinkles to form on your face.

Rubbing eyes: The skin around the eyes is very fragile and vulnerable. When you rub your eyes, the skin stretches, the collagen and elastin under the skin are destroyed, causing the skin to become wrinkled. Don’t wear a hat or umbrella in the sun: Blinking of the sun – or even squinting at an electronic screen – forces muscles between the colored hairs and around the eyes to contract, which may be the cause. leading to the formation of wrinkles. Wearing contact lenses: Wearing contact lenses by itself doesn’t create wrinkles, but the way you wear them can be the cause of your aging seeing. When wearing contact lenses, many people often raise eyebrows, frowning. This movement, if repeated many times, will cause your forehead to form wrinkles. Eat too much sugar: Sweet candies are actually not “sweet” for the skin. Eating too much sweets can lead to the formation of AGEs – these harmful compounds can destroy collagen and elastin, leaving skin wrinkled and sagging. Lack of sleep: Sleep is extremely important to your health and beauty. While you sleep, your skin regenerates and repairs itself. If you do not get enough sleep, this regeneration process is not effective, leading to dull, sagging skin, especially the skin around the eyes. Sleeping on your tummy: When you sleep on your tummy, your face is pressed against the pillow, causing the skin to accumulate. Lying in this position for a few hours, the pinched skin will form wrinkles. Get down to look at your phone screen: When you look down at the screen of an electronic device for a few hours, your neck has to be bent for a long time. This causes wrinkles to form in the area of ​​your neck. Drinking water using a straw: Drinking water or other beverages with a straw requires pursed lips. This action, if repeated regularly, will cause wrinkles to form at the corner of your mouth. Using your hands to support your face: Many people have a habit of using their hands to support their face or head when neck fatigue. However, when your hand has to support the weight of your head, your facial skin will be pressed and if this action continues, wrinkles on your face will begin to form. Chewing gum: Chewing gum requires continuous work of the chewing gum muscles. If you chew gum regularly, the collagen in the cheek area will be destroyed, causing the skin to lose elasticity and start forming wrinkles. Exposure to polluted air: Polluted air is bad for your health in many ways, and your skin is no exception. Constantly exposed to dust, cigarette smoke and car engine smoke will damage the skin barrier, leading to oxidative stress and premature skin aging.