Home Architecture 4 types of houses with “Dragon circuit”, the more you stay, the...

4 types of houses with “Dragon circuit”, the more you stay, the more you get promoted


If you choose a house that converges all the following 4 elements, congratulations on the richer you will be.

The house is ventilated with lots of light: In feng shui, a house in addition to the aesthetic factors, also needs the light element. Because if the house lacks light, it will make people living in the house easily sick and tired. At the same time, a house lacking in light, lack of air will easily lose the balance of yin and yang.

A house that is too closed, dim, and when the daytime also has to turn on the lights, will make the owner ‘s prosperous spirit easily degrade and the homeowner’s career is also badly affected, making it difficult to advance in the public. job. Therefore, when building a house, people often focus on the element of “treasure wind, convergence”, ie the wind brings wealth, gathered in the house, balancing the yin and yang, making the homeowner’s gas balance, Balance creates a premise for the development of wealth in the house.

Harmonious home landscape: A beautiful house is usually a house with an indoor design layout and a reasonably harmonious surroundings. When the surroundings are beautiful, they will create a good living environment for the people in the house, creating a prosperity. Therefore, when choosing a house, you need to choose this composition including topography, circumstances, climate … and what affects people so that people living in the house feel most comfortable when living in the house.

If a house is arranged around not airy, the wall is higher than the roof. If you want to ensure the security of the homeowner should use other methods. Building walls too high will easily make people be bound in a dark space, feeling like in a “prison” causing a dry atmosphere. At the same time, such a house can easily make the family members sick and insecure.

In particular, you should not choose to build a house in a bad direction when building a house, avoid the main direction of the house looking down the cliff, overlooking the bad, fierce landscape or ruined ruins. It is necessary to create a peaceful, green landscape with fruit trees such as guava, guava, sapodilla or flowers such as peony, peach blossom … for your house to always be beautiful and harmonious with feng shui.

The house has many cool green trees: A good feng shui house should have surrounding trees. Because trees will bring vitality and fortune to the house, a house with lots of green trees that are both ventilated and airy will create a balance of yin and yang for your home. In particular, green trees are good for human health, and at the same time help welcome the air into the home to help homeowners thrive, their life is easy to improve.

At the same time, trees also help you to remove withered plants that will absorb the energy from the house, make sure you remove any dead or dying trees, so as not to affect the path of wealth in your home. your house. Although green trees are good for feng shui, you should not plant trees with large, dense canopy in front of your house because it will darken the space in front, prevent natural light from entering the main door and obscure your view. When you are planting a large tree in front of the door, pay attention to pruning the foliage to create a clear space in front of the house.

The top-terrain house in the North is high, the South is low: Since ancient times, people often built houses in the South because the south incense is cool in summer, warm in winter. At the same time, according to the feng-shui concept, the building topography in the front is low, the high back is a good omen, because the high front and the back mean that after staying, the homeowner is advancing and getting more and more happy.

If you choose a house with a south direction, the sun is rising, in the middle of the anode, this is also the direction that represents the strong golden age of the homeowner.

Especially in terms of social status, money, power, leadership capacity, intelligence, talent are related to the South.

Information for reference only.
Main direction