Home Beauty 5 easy-to-find ingredients to help you whiten your teeth effectively

5 easy-to-find ingredients to help you whiten your teeth effectively


The ingredients in the kitchen you can take advantage of to whiten teeth at home very quickly.

Chewing figs can remove plaque and clean teeth. DIY Home Remedy says that chewing 3-4 figs can slowly activate the salivary glands to promote cleansing. Orange peel Rub the orange peel on your teeth and leave it on overnight. An article in Stylecraze points out that the essences in the orange peel not only remove bacteria that form, but can also naturally whiten teeth. Vinegar DIY Health Remedy uses a diluted vinegar-based detergent that can help remove unpleasant deposits on teeth. To do this, mix two tablespoons of vinegar, one tablespoon of salt and one half cup of water and rinse and rinse your palate and teeth with this mixture. Baking soda Baking soda is an easy, inexpensive, yet incredibly useful ingredient. Take a pea-sized amount of baking soda, mix it with toothpaste and use this mixture at least once a day, then rinse your mouth thoroughly to make your teeth clear and white. Priority is done at night to remove all plaque during the day. Combining fresh lemon and baking soda is also a way to remove plaque from the teeth. However, this mixture is recommended to be used only once a week, because it has strong bleaching properties, leading to erosion of tooth enamel, causing sensitivity. Bread Few people think that familiar foods in the kitchen like bread bring amazing benefits in teeth whitening. The way to do it is very simple: bake a loaf of bread until the crust burns, scrape off the crust and mix with toothpaste, and rub this mixture vigorously before going to bed. Do it 2 times a week, your teeth will whiten quickly. The remaining burnt shells you pack in your bag and store in a cool place, use the next time.