Home News World A delicious bite, a refreshing bite, low calorie and low fat, absolutely!

A delicious bite, a refreshing bite, low calorie and low fat, absolutely!


When I mention chicken breast, I think of fitness. You can only boil it if you don’t fry or fry it. If you chew it, it feels like life is dull.But everyone, don’t forget the existence of food, it is also salad, it is also grazing, pouring the salad juice is the key;

Based on low-fat requirements, chooseOlive oil, apple cider vinegar, honey,Thyme,black pepper powder,Chopped parsley,Ginger powder,The all-purpose salad dressing mixed with Dijon mustard will definitely amaze your taste buds!

△Quinoa Chicken Breast Salad△

Today, Gourmet Master does not make salads, the ingredients remain the same, but chicken breasts. Come to a parent-child meal, baby-colorful chicken sticks, Baoma-scallion lemon chicken breasts, take care of the children and never forget to treat themselves.

The chicken breast is simply marinated, after being fried, it is burnt and tender, and topped with the secret lemon juice.The faint scallion bergamot flavor is mixed with the sweet taste of the chicken, sweet and sour, smooth, tender and juicy, especially in the hot summer, it is right to serve as an appetizer.

When the baby eats, the chicken breast is simply processed, pureed, and the umami flavor of tofu is added. The meat and vegetable pairing is impeccable. Take a bite.The chicken is meticulous and firm, with a bit of elasticity while being delicate;

Cheese is also added inside, the milk is rich, the blessing of red, yellow and blue vegetable grains increases the nutrition, and the appearance is colorful. Children want to eat after eating.(It’s more delicious to squeeze some tomato sauce), Can’t you worry about eating and procrastinating? !

Colorful Chicken Sticks & Lime Chicken Breast with Scallion Oil

【Colorful Chicken Breast Sticks 】

1 piece of chicken breast/tofu 100g/1 egg

Carrots 50g/peas 60g/sweet corn 50g

Shredded cheese50g/whiteHuPaprika/precipitatepowder

【Scallion Oil and Lemon Fragrant Chicken Breast】

2 chicken breasts/starch 30g/flour 30g

chopped green onion/Minced garlic/Ginger

Cooking wine/Lemon juice / sesame oil / white sesame

Colorful chicken sticks

  1. Stir the chicken breast into minced meat and put it in a bowl for later use; crush the tofu, put it in the minced chicken, and stir evenly;

  2. Add corn kernels, pea kernels, carrot kernels and shredded cheese. Knock in the eggs, white pepper, salt and starch. Stir in one direction evenly;

  3. Brush oil in the pan, add the mixed chicken mash, compact, and fry slowly for 7 minutes on low heat;

  4. Turn it over, add 2 tablespoons of water to the side of the pot, and continue to fry for about 7-10 minutes;

  5. Press the patties with a spatula. It feels more elastic and just cooked. Take it out and let it cool slightly on the chopping board. Cut it into wide strips for eating or dipping in tomato sauce.

    Chicken Breasts with Scallion Oil and Lemon Fragrant

  6. Cut off the tendons on the chicken breast, cut it into 2 pieces, and make a few cuts with a knife;Put the chicken breast in a bowl, add cooking wine, salt, minced garlic and minced ginger, and mix well;

  7. Add flour and starch, mix well again, so that the chicken breasts are evenly coated;

  8. Mix the shallots, white sesame seeds, sesame oil, salt and lemon juice into a small dish, and stir evenly into a sauce;

  9. SaucepanPour the oil in, spread it out, put in the chicken breasts, fry on medium and low heat until both sides are light golden;

  10. After frying, you can pour the sauce on the plate.

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