Home News Vietnam Access for people with disabilities needs to be paid more attention

Access for people with disabilities needs to be paid more attention


Road for the disabled (PWDs) mobility system helps them to be more active in their travel and easier to access public services. However, the reality shows that this item has not been focused on when building projects in the area.

Access road for people with disabilities at the Provincial Museum.

Since 2002, the Ministry of Construction has issued a set of technical regulations and standards to ensure that people with disabilities can access and use them. In 2014, the Ministry of Construction issued Circular 21/2014 / TT-BXD, dated December 29, 2014, issued together with the national technical regulation on “Building construction to ensure access to use by people with disabilities” (QCVN 10 : 2014 / BXD). This regulation specifies technical requirements that must be complied with when building new or renovating constructions to ensure that people with disabilities have access to and use them.

In addition, Decision 1019 / QD-TTg dated August 5, 2012 of the Prime Minister on the project to support people with disabilities for the period 2012-2020 sets the target that by the end of 2020, 100% of the works will be the headquarters of the institution. government officials; station, bus station, pier; medical examination and treatment establishments; educational institutions, vocational training, cultural works, sport and physical training; The apartment building ensures accessibility for people with disabilities. Also according to the above decision, social service works will have to design additional items to ensure that people with disabilities can access and use.

However, according to the survey results, the survey of the Provincial Sponsoring Association for People with Disabilities and Orphans (PWD & TMC), the number of public works in the area with items accessible to people with disabilities is still very limited.

In 2020, the Provincial Sponsoring Association for People with Disabilities and TMC will conduct a survey at 40/177 communal units; 6/13 units at district level and 21 projects at provincial level in Ha Long city. For the commune level, surveyed at 281 schemes, only 21 schemes have access roads for people with disabilities (accounting for 7.4%). Of the 53 projects built after 2012 (the year the Prime Minister issued Decision No. 1019 / QD-TTg approving the project to help people with disabilities access social welfare works), only 11 projects have access road for people with disabilities (accounting for 20.7%). In particular, of the 40 surveyed commune-level offices, only 7 offices have access roads for people with disabilities; 1/121 village cultural house has access roads for people with disabilities (accounting for 0.08%).

At district level, in the survey of 78 schemes in 6 districts, towns and cities, only 19 schemes have access roads for people with disabilities. Out of 22 projects built after 2012, only 13 have access roads for people with disabilities. Out of the 6 district level units surveyed, all 6 offices do not have access roads for people with disabilities. All offices of the Justice Department, the General Education Center, and the Sports Center of the 6 surveyed district-level units do not have access roads for people with disabilities.

At the provincial level, surveyed in 21 schemes, only 13 schemes had access roads for people with disabilities. Out of 11 projects built after 2012, 10 have access roads serving people with disabilities. Only one building is the headquarters of the Provincial Employment and Service Center (Cao Xanh ward) with no access roads for people with disabilities.

This shows that the units that design, inspect and approve the construction of the works do not pay attention to adding access roads for people with disabilities according to regulations.

Sharing with us, Mr. Tran Manh Ha, residing in group 8, Trao Ha area, Duc Chinh ward, Dong Trieu town, said: “For people with severe mobility impairment, they have to sit in a wheelchair like us, going very difficult again. Every time you go and do, you must ask a loved one or a healthy person to help you. I myself also want to have conditions to access public services and integrate with the community, but the difficulties in not having access make me feel inconvenient, even more shrinking because of fear of disturbing others. . I really hope that units and agencies are interested in building additional public works to ensure that people with disabilities can access and use them conveniently. Currently, the new construction of the Head Office of the Ward People’s Committee has access roads for people with disabilities, and some old public works do not have access roads for people with disabilities, and are expected to soon be supplemented by units and agencies ”.

According to Mr. Lanh The Vinh, Chairman of the Provincial Sponsoring Association for People with Disabilities and TMC, the access road for people with disabilities is one of the important approaches that people with disabilities are currently facing. Although there are clear regulations and regulations in legal documents, through investigation and surveys in many public works, this item seems to be “forgotten”. After the Investigation and Review Association has submitted a report to the Provincial People’s Committee to propose and propose solutions to help people with disabilities have conditions to access public works and integrate into the community.

According to statistics, the province currently has a total of 20,767 PWDs, of which more than 4,000 people with special severe disabilities have to travel by wheelchair.

In order to enhance the responsibilities of agencies and units in implementing access roads for people with disabilities at public works, on November 20, 2020, the Provincial People’s Committee issued a document 7948 / UBND-XD4 requesting departments, Departments, branches, units and local People’s Committees, based on their functions and tasks, actively guide, inspect and supervise the implementation of national technical regulations and regulations on construction to ensure that PWDs can receive access to Approach to use in new design or renovation of construction works according to prescribed regulations and standards.

For specialized construction works management departments, economic zones management boards, localities and district-level professional offices organize the appraisal, grant of construction permits, and take over the works to be put into use. Construction works must ensure access requirements for people with disabilities; strengthen inspection, control and handle violations, ensure full implementation of policies to help NKY access and use construction works.

The province also requires project investors to organize the implementation of the QCVN 10: 2014 / BXD regulations on construction works right from the design task, technical design construction; it is imperative that contractors, when participating in bidding, must fully express the technical regulations specified in Section 2 of the QCVN 10: 2014 / BXD Regulation; It is not accepted for contractors who do not satisfy all design documents but do not fully show the technical regulations specified in Section 2 of the QCVN 10: 2014 / BXD Regulation. For the construction management and use units, proactively review and have plans to repair and renovate the works, ensuring the requirements for PWDs to access and use according to QCVN 10: 2014 / BXD and other relevant standards and regulations.