Harmful mistakes when whitening skin at home Due to the convenience and high efficiency, home whitening methods are very popular with girls this summer. However, there are a few things you should know to avoid making fatal mistakes.
1. Mistakes with handmade bleaching products Handmade skin whitening products with natural ingredients are the perfect solution to overcome common skin problems such as hyperpigmentation, dark spots, acne or darkened skin caused by the sun. However, not everyone is successful with this method. Errors in the selection of ingredients and formulations can cause worrying problems for the skin. Here are some common mistakes that often happen. The tools are not clean and the ingredients are not fresh
One of the common mistakes when making products at home is that the product is contaminated. This happens when the tools are dirty or the ingredients are not fresh. With skin bleaching products, contamination can cause serious problems. To fix this problem, you need to make sure all the tools and ingredients are washed. Once done, you should store the finished product in a glass container. Improper preparation
With a skin whitening product recipe, you need to strictly adhere to the prescribed amount of each ingredient. Using too much or too little will distort the results and may cause unwanted consequences during use. Therefore, you need to carefully learn the recipe and prepare fully before making it. Do not test the product before use
Although the ingredients of homemade skin bleaching products are all natural, that does not mean that there is no risk of skin irritation or allergies. With skin bleaching products, it is especially important to test the product before use. Test the product on a small area of skin and test its reaction. If you are allergic to one or more of the ingredients, it will cause an itchy or red rash. By testing, you will avoid the dangers of irritation and allergies. It is recommended that you test the product on a small area of skin on your arms, wrists and under your jaw and leave it on for 5 minutes. If no discomfort occurs, the product is safe to use. Ignore the symptoms
A slight itchiness and heat sensation after using a bleaching product is harmless. This shows that the bleaching product is working effectively. However, if the burning sensation and heat make you extremely uncomfortable, it is a sign of concern. Intense and hot flashes indicate that bleach is damaging to your skin, possibly because they are too strong for your skin. When this occurs, you need to quickly remove them from the surface of the skin and stop using it. 2. Mistakes with commercial whitening products
Skin bleaching fever has attracted special attention of women. Along with this craze came a wide range of commercial skin whitening products appearing on the market. A lot of people have opted for home whitening with these products. However, it only works when you really understand it. The following are common mistakes users make when using commercial whitening products at home. Not following the instructions properly
To make whitening at home, users must follow the recipe, which details the ingredients and the amount of ingredients to combine. Following the correct formula is very important to ensure the desired effect. Using the wrong ingredients or insufficient quantities can affect the results and cause damage to the skin. Just like homemade bleaching products, the preparation of commercial products also requires strict adherence to the recipe. Lack of knowledge about ingredients Some ingredients in skin bleaching products are chemical. These substances slough off the top layer of skin and can affect the skin underneath. A lack of understanding of the ingredients can have extremely serious consequences. It can make allergies or other serious problems worse because their detergents are too strong for your skin. Using too many bleaching products
This is a common mistake when bleaching your skin at home. Many people believe that they can speed up the bleaching process by using more than the prescribed or recommended amount. This is actually very dangerous. Prolonged use and abuse will overcome the skin’s tolerance, thereby causing long-term damage to the skin. Posts: Beautiful Beauty
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