Home Beauty ‘Revealing’ simple ways to cool the body on a hot day

‘Revealing’ simple ways to cool the body on a hot day


Hot weather makes the body stuffy, stuffy and can lead to unwanted health problems. Therefore, the following cooling tips will help you both cool down quickly and protect your health in the summer.

In the dry season, many people like to drink ice water to quench thirst and cool down the body. However, such a cooling method is completely unscientific Drinking a lot of ice water makes us feel even more thirsty. Because the human body uses a lot of energy to regulate body temperature. Drinking ice water will slow down the digestive process, cause blood vessels to constrict and reduce the rate at which water is supplied to the body. So even if you drink ice water, your body is still very thirsty In addition, the too low temperature of ice when it comes into contact with the oropharynx only instantly cools this area, causing the central nervous system to react in reverse. At that time, our nervous system thinks that the body temperature is falling, so it sends a signal to command vasoconstriction and close the skin pores. As a result, the body is not able to generate heat, so after drinking ice water, the body feels hotter Drinking ice water regularly also causes the body to experience health problems such as sore throat, increased sputum in the nose, digestive disorders … Filtered water will be a safe choice to help your body lose water because of the heat. In addition, you can drink more cool water with cooling function such as fruit juice, smoothie or beneficial detox water… In addition, you can eat water-rich fruits such as melons, grapefruits, oranges… to both replenish water and provide refreshing energy on hot days. Choosing clothes with cool, sweat-wicking fabrics also helps you feel more comfortable and comfortable in the summer. For those who often go out, it is recommended to wear thick clothes to prevent ultraviolet radiation and also help absorb sweat better Especially before going out, use sunscreen to protect your skin from the effects of the sun Using moisturizers with cooling properties such as aloe vera cream, green tea.. is also a way to help the body feel more comfortable in the hot season. Using menthol is not a bad idea in the summer. Because mint contains menthol, which stimulates your cold-sensitive nerve receptors A good way is to mix some peppermint oil with coconut oil and apply that mixture on your arms, palms, legs, neck… Although it doesn’t actually reduce body temperature, this natural blend will make you feel much cooler and more comfortable in the summer. Choosing gentle sports such as yoga, walking, swimming… is also a useful way to cool the body in the hot season. Dipping your hands in cold water will help you dissipate the heat, because the hands have a large contact surface and many blood vessels. Washing feet also has the same effect