Enlarged facial pores are a very common skin problem and they can leave you with low self-esteem, especially in girls. Because when pores are large, people’s skin is not smooth and prone to acne. That is why the number of women who seek to reduce the pores of the face skin every day is constantly increasing. Here are a few suggestions for ways to close pores naturally, simply and effectively.
The first is ice applied to the skin is one of the effective methods of astringent large pores. Ice has astringent effects and shrinks large pores. Illustration The method is very simple, just put a few ice cubes in a towel and apply it to the skin for a few seconds. If you don’t have ice, you can also wash your face with cold water. This also helps with blood circulation in your face. Note that people with sensitive skin should let the skin rest after every 15 seconds of applying ice because it is prone to redness. Apple cider vinegar According to Health Shots, apple cider vinegar is considered the “rose water” for natural skin beauty. Apple cider vinegar is known for its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that help treat acne. More importantly, it balances skin pH and tightens skin by tightening pores. How to use apple cider vinegar for facial skin is also very simple. You mix one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar with two teaspoons of water. Then dip a cotton pad into the mixture and apply to your face. Hold for about 5 to 10 minutes and wash your face. Egg-white This is also one of the ingredients to help shrink pores quickly, especially suitable for oily skin. Egg whites are rich in vitamins and minerals, making the skin smooth, ensuring the effect of tightening pores and sweeping away pimples and stubborn blackheads. In addition, it also helps your skin to stretch and firm. With egg whites, you can use them by making a mask.
To make this mask, separate the egg whites from the yolks and whip them well. Then, apply the mixture evenly on your face and cover it with a thin paper towel to keep the whites on your face. Wait until the whites dry, then rinse with water. You should do 1-2 times / week. Street Sugar can help exfoliate the skin, helping to remove excess oil and dirt from pores. You can use your tummy by slicing the lemon in half and adding a little sugar over it. Then, massage over entire face and let sugar stay on skin for 15 minutes. Finally, wash your face clean. Papaya Not only is a delicious and nutritious fruit, papaya is also an ingredient known for its ability to reduce large “divine” pores. To beautify the skin, shrink pores with this ingredient, take a ripe papaya, peel and separate the flesh inside. Use them to make a face mask for about 20 minutes then rinse off with cold water. Applying the above formula about 2 times per week will bring many benefits to the skin, help tighten pores, support exfoliation, and reduce oily quite effectively.
Tomato Tomatoes help remove excess oil, tighten skin, reduce the size of large pores. Tomatoes can also slow down the aging of the skin thanks to the rich lycopene and antioxidants.
Follow a reasonable and scientific diet to help skin care always look young, beautiful and attractive. (Illustration) You can mix tomato juice with 3-4 drops of lemon juice and apply the mixture to your skin. Leave it on for about 20 minutes before rinsing it off with cool water. What should you keep in mind when tightening pores with natural ingredients? – First, you need to pay attention to determine exactly your skin type and learn carefully to choose the right method that is most suitable, without negatively affecting your skin as well as your beauty. – Second, when applying, remember to carefully check for allergies to the above ingredients or not, you can test the mixture on the underarm area to test before using it on your face! – In addition, you need to pay attention to skin care according to scientific procedures. Avoid overusing natural ingredients; at the same time building diets and scientific activities; keep facial skin clean; using intensive skin care products, …
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