A movement that is practiced right at the living room salon with 300 times a day, no matter how big the waist, no matter how fat the belly is, it becomes slim and toned quickly.
A lot of women want to lose weight and keep fit, exercise to have a slim waist, toned stomach, but the more summer, the more refreshments, sweets or at home, the more they eat and drink, so the exercise Weight loss training stagnated. There are always a lot of methods and tips to lose weight suitable for the summer, and you also learn the exercises that do not take too much time, practice at home but still keep in shape very effectively. And if you have the same need, you can refer to this move, a move that you practice right in the living room salon with 300 times a day, your waist will be big and your belly will become slim. fast firming.
This movement directly affects the abdominal muscles, and both hips and buttocks to directly burn fat in the 2nd round, the 3rd round is more enlarged, the thighs are also affected to become slimmer and firmer.
The movement of lifting people with legs Perform: 300 times / day (Can be divided into 3 sets morning – afternoon – evening) * Prepare: – Lie on your back with your back on the floor, then raise your legs up on the chair. – Raise your body on an inclined plane, hands pressed to the floor to keep balance. – Pay attention to keep the shoulders, neck and head fixed on the floor. – Squeeze the abdomen, use the abdominal muscles to lift the body.
* Begin: -Collect each leg close to the abdomen, while contracting and contracting the abdomen and breathing rhythmically. – The other leg remains in the resting position on the chair. – Keep the lifter in the inclined plane and breathe evenly through the exercise beats. Change legs regularly, rhythmically and breathe evenly.
During the exercise, you will be quite tired of the leg muscles and abdominal muscles due to the contraction and contraction of the abdomen to keep balance. Start with 50 leg lifts (25 each) for the first set in the morning, then add more in the afternoon and evening. Maintain correct exercise 300 times per day, you will definitely have toned abs after 1 week of training. Exercises at the salon help slim waist and flat stomach, extremely effective slimming. The movement is very easy to do, for those who practice for the first time. It does not require you to have specialized techniques or instructors, nor any tools, but the effect is enough to surprise you. A slim waist or a toned round 3 is no longer a distant dream for women, just maintain this movement 300 times a day to have a good body right away.
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