Home Architecture 4 taboo places to place aquariums in the house that many people...

4 taboo places to place aquariums in the house that many people do not know


According to feng shui, the fish tank has the effect of attracting fortune, activating luck, favorable for the work and life of everyone in the family.

However, the aquarium is also dynamic because there are fishes inside, so it cannot be placed arbitrarily. In order to create positive energy when placing a feng shui fish tank in the house, Feng Shui believes that it is necessary to pay attention to the following 4 taboo positions: Place the fish tank opposite the kitchen The master aquarium on Water, the kitchen on Fire, placing the fish tank next to or opposite the stove will lead to how the Water – Fire Department collides, causing conflicts in the family. unstable religion. Place the fish tank in or next to the toilet The toilet is a place to bring a lot of unclean air, while the fish tank is used to activate wealth and nobles into the house. Placing the fish tank in or next to the toilet is not only unsightly, but it also dissipates wealth. Put the fish tank under the altar An aquarium placed under the altar will violate the “god of the sea” department, causing bankruptcy. Moreover, because the aquarium is dynamic, it will affect the solemnity and purity of the altar. Place the fish tank on the right side of the house To the right of the house is the azimuth of the hydrophobic White Tiger, so homeowners should not place the living room aquarium in this position lest it strongly affect the fortune of the house. In addition, the aquarium should be avoided in the bedroom, the host fish tank is not suitable for a quiet bedroom, easily causing insomnia, adverse health effects. * Information for reference and contemplation.