Let’s find out 5 low-calorie drinks to help lose weight that you can sip in the summer!
Watermelon juice
Watermelon juice is a great summer drink. Watermelon is 94% water and is rich in fiber. Just grind a watermelon and add a few mint leaves and you have a delicious glass of water. Watermelon has a naturally sweet taste and is a nutritious summer drink. Drinking a glass of watermelon juice will keep you fuller for longer and hydrate your body. Watermelon juice is also packed with electrolytes, vitamins, and minerals. Cucumber juice
Cucumber is a fruit that provides water that you should not ignore if you want to lose weight. This fruit is extremely low in calories, high in fiber and contains a lot of water. Fiber increases satiety and limits snacking. Just squeeze some lemon and mint leaves into the cucumber juice and you have a thirsty glass of water. Beetroot juice
Beetroot juice is a perfect drink to lose weight and boost immunity. Rich in soluble and insoluble fiber, this drink can help keep the gut healthy. Beets are rich in iron and other nutrients like fiber, folate (vitamin B9), manganese, potassium, iron and vitamin C. Drinking beetroot juice after a workout can help with muscle recovery. Orange juice
Unsweetened freshly squeezed orange juice is low in calories. Orange is a low-calorie fruit, which helps to add some nutrients to the body and helps to keep you full for longer. Mango shake
Mango is the most loved summer fruit. Mangoes are rich in vitamin K, vitamin A, vitamin C, potassium and folate. Mango shakes made with low-fat or unsweetened milk can increase satiety, curb cravings, and improve heart, skin, and hair health.
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