Home Beauty 5 reasons your skin blemishes year round

5 reasons your skin blemishes year round


Your skin blemishes forever because of the unexpected reasons.
Makeup tools are not hygienic

Improper cleaning of make-up is also the reason why you get acne. If you are not cleaned regularly, dirty makeup tools are also the cause of acne due to bacteria accumulating after using on the skin. To avoid the risk of acne caused by these unhygienic brushes, you need to practice the habit of regularly cleaning makeup brushes and cotton balls on a regular and clean basis after each use. use it! Improper use of a washcloth Towels hanging in the bathroom are one of the shelters of bacteria and mold when you wash and soak in the wrong water. A normal washcloth regularly wiped on the surface of the skin can be counterproductive, causing pimples, allergies, mold and bacteria that can cause skin diseases, and even skin cancer. To avoid the risk of acne when using towels, girls wash their face towels regularly with warm salt water or benign shower gel, then dry them in a dry place, avoiding long-term moisture. Use all the methods you can read Of course this is not a good thing as everyone has a different skin condition, skin problem and skin type. Before applying any method you should determine what type of skin you are (dry or oily or combination) to choose the right method. Cleansing too many times a day Keeping skin clean is fine and helps avoid pimples, but sometimes you get rid of the natural oils on the skin. This makes the skin dehydrated and leads to wrinkled, sagging skin and appearance of pigmentation, freckles, acne … due to weakened skin. Therefore, you should only wash your face 2-3 times / day. When washing your face, do not rub it too thoroughly, but only gently massage. Lack of water, even if your skin is oily This is extremely dangerous. Dehydration is the main cause of serious skin problems, weakening the skin and shortening the aging time of the skin, including acne problems.