Having the right understanding of the aging process helps prevent early signs of age.
1. Wrinkles are the first signs of skin aging: Many people don’t care about skin aging until they see wrinkles appear. However, aging can result from changes in skin color and texture. Dermatologist Jason Emer of Beverly Hills (California, USA) explains above Real Simple : “Dark spots, thinner skin are the first visible signs of aging. On the other hand, there are dark circles or sunken skin under the eyes, folds around the mouth.” It’s never too early to start a skincare routine. Image: Siena. 2. Aging is determined by genes: The aging process of mother and child is not exactly the same. Dermatologist Joshua Zeichner in New York (USA) said: “Aging is determined by both internal and external factors. Some people are genetically fortunate with a young appearance. UV, environmental pollution can lead to rapid aging in even carriers of good genes. ” Image: Jangjina_.
3. Only apply sunscreen when going out: Don’t skip the sunscreen even if you spend all day indoors. Whether it’s cloudy or rainy, UV rays are present. UVB rays cause sunburn, damaging the skin epidermis. Meanwhile, UVA rays are associated with cell aging deep below the skin. It causes wrinkles and brown spots. Window and curtains can block UVB rays, but not UVA rays. Image: Ugeniesm, Shutter.
4. See immediate anti-aging results: Dr. Joshua Zeichner said: “I tell my patient it takes weeks or months to see the benefits of most skin care products.” Usually, exfoliants or moisturizing hyaluronic acid show immediate results. Image: L’Oreal Paris, Tea with MD.
5. Expensive cosmetics bring higher efficiency: Don’t spend too much money on cosmetics, you can still get a bright, youthful look. Dermatologist Konstantin Vasyukevich from New York (USA) explains: “Valuation in skin care sometimes reflects marketing activities, brands rather than quality”. According to Mr. Vasyukevich, simple and affordable skin care treatments are sometimes more effective than expensive beauty solutions. “Using sunscreen, daily moisturizer in the long run will be much better than expensive treatments later on,” he said. Image: Healthline.
6. Night skincare routine is more important than day: Skin has different needs from time to time. During the day, skin needs to be protected from UV rays and environmental pollution. These are the leading causes of premature aging. At night, the skin recovers and regenerates. Without proper protection during the day, the skin cannot be healthy even with careful care at night. Image: Awebtoknow.
7. Skin burning or stinging shows that cosmetics are promoting effects: Unlike muscle training, the burning sensation during skin care is not a good sign. Your skin is irritated, potentially at risk of acne. On the other hand, this is also a sign that the skin barrier is weakened. From there, the skin is susceptible to damage and rapid aging. Image: Healthy Options. 5 habits that make skin aging fast A number of daily actions make premature wrinkles appear on the face.
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