Home Beauty Exercise for beautiful, healthy skin

Exercise for beautiful, healthy skin


The skin not only needs to be aesthetically beautiful, but it also needs to be healthy to function as a protective body. There are many ways to care and protect the skin, in which proper exercise is also an effective method for healthy and beautiful skin.
The benefits of exercise affect the skin

Physical exercise increases body temperature, increases peripheral blood flow, increases blood perfusion to the skin, thereby providing more oxygen and nutrients to the skin, helping to restore damaged skin cells caused by the impact of agents. the external environment such as moisture, sunlight, dust … and free radicals in the body. Physical exercise also increases sweating, helps eliminate toxins, body metabolism products, dirt and secretions of the skin, sebaceous glands, and avoids clogging of the pores. Exercise is also an effective way to combat the general aging of the body, including the aging process of the skin by promoting the production of fibroblasts, skin cells responsible for collagen production, Increases elasticity and rejuvenates the skin. Proper exercise reduces physical, mental and emotional stress, reduces inflammation and overall immune response in the body through cortisol regulation. Regular physical exercise for pre-menopausal and menopausal women has the effect of reducing symptoms of neurological disorders such as hot flashes, sweating; improve sleep disturbances, reduce irritability, reduce psychological stress, improve quality of life. Thanks to that, regulating the functions of the body, the skin will also have a more beautiful and healthy glow. Walking, running slowly, and cycling are simple types of exercise that are easy to perform, do not require complicated training conditions, so almost anyone can easily exercise. Some other types of movements such as GYM exercise, Aerobic exercise require trainees to be instructed, moreover, there are also certain means of exercise, so it is suitable for a few people. Proper exercise helps to have a healthy and beautiful skin. Some yoga moves help skin healthy and beautiful Trikonasana (extended triangle exercise) widens the hips, increases overall strength and cardiovascular system, enhances blood circulation, removes toxins, eliminates free radicals, helps relax, reduces tension straight. The posture of cobra (Bhujangasana) relaxes the back, chest muscles, enhances circulation, regulates heart rate, and breathing, helps the mind to relax. This movement is also good for the digestive system, helps to remove toxins, destroy free radicals. Exercises to prop feet up against the wall (Viparita Karani) or Wall Legs Up with 2 feet up on the wall, blood and oxygen will be deposited on the half of the body, enhancing nutrition for most parts of the brain, skin. facial muscles … Seated twist increases blood flow to the digestive and detoxifying organs such as the liver and kidneys. Camel Pose (Ustrasana) bends back, stretches the entire front muscles, enhances blood circulation, increases skin strength. Some notes to keep skin healthy and beautiful when exercising When exercising outdoors, it is important to choose the right training time. The sun provides vitamin D to help the body absorb calcium, but intense sunlight, more ultraviolet rays can damage and aging the skin. Avoid intense heat from after 10am to 3pm, pay attention to shielding direct sunlight shining on the skin during these times. Should practice in the early morning when the sun has melted the fog or the evening when the sun is less severe. Pay attention to skin and body protective clothing and equipment. GYM exercises with aid can cause blistering or thickening of the contact area, so gloves, training shoes, and belts are essential to protect hands, feet, and knees. Training clothes to ensure cool summer, winter to keep warm, at the same time to absorb sweat, change clothes when wet. Remove makeup before exercising, but use sunscreen when exercising outdoors. Exercising in dry weather conditions easily dehydrates the skin of the lips, so it is important to pay attention to moisturize and drink enough water. Clean skin and body properly after exercise, avoid showering immediately after exercising when sweat persists. Bath water temperature is suitable with the season. The disinfectants in swimming pool water often make the hair dry, so care should be taken to clean the skin after swimming. Avoid overtraining, pay attention to nutrition, drinking water, ensure time and quality of sleep. Adequate physical activity has been shown to improve the physical and mental health of all subjects. Proper exercise has a positive effect on most of the functions of the body’s organ systems. When the body is physically and mentally healthy, the skin will also be healthier and more beautiful.